
Research and Things

I found this! Now I kind of wish I hadn't. (Seriously, do click the link. It's nothing visually scary. It's an audio presentation on what it's like to have schizophrenia. It gives you about three and a half minutes of 'I'm so glad I'm healthy (or at least don't have this)'. To get the full effect, put your headphones in and close your eyes.)

In other news, it was my grandma's birthday on the 20th. She's 75. I made her this thing:

Cool, huh?

I think it's cool.

Aside from that, I've been thinking about things.

First off, I cleaned out Twitter and tumblr a little (might cut it down even more later - haven't decided on some people) and I'm feeling a bit better.

I'm just in one of those 'DO ALL THE THINGS' moods. Like, here's the desktop for right now (I just started with the calendar so it isn't too filled in yet...)

Pretty creepy, huh?

I think it's awesome.

This is what I'm working with for the new year, so far. I have so many ideas for books and companion books and all kinds of things that I just really wanna work on. It's amazingly frustrating.

Like, I wanna get to a point where I can use GIMP and Blender to make the sets, basically, and then put them all together into a book so I have them. Because that's apparently how my brain works.

Scents and clothes and books and companion things and special editions and... yeah.

What it boils down to is that I want to do everything and would like to have a system in place that would allow me to do that.

Thing is, I have no real idea of what that system should be. So. While I figure it out, expect random updates as things click.

I know Chrome works fine for me, I know my list of ideas thing works fine and I know that having a graph/progress bar helps to keep me working. Aside from that... *shrug*

I wonder if doing another year of WriMos would be a good option. I mean I did get a fair bit done doing that. I'd have to stagger things though, so I had time to edit. Or I could just work around the first draft of the month (FDoTM?). I DON'T KNOW! *headdesk*

(In other news, I had a five-minute laughing fit that resulted in me lying on my bed with my head down, crying and trying to breathe through the messed-up hyena style laugh that I had going on. You know what triggered it? It was kind of a delayed reaction but it was something a Let's Player named 'Cry' said. In one of the little one-episode games he was playing, you have to run through trenches (in WWI) and avoid raptors. It doesn't really make sense in context either - just roll with it. But at one point, two raptors boxed him in and ate him. And he said something to the effect of, 'Aw, there were two of them! They share me!' And for some reason, I thought that was really, really funny. Yeah.)

I'm gonna take today and try to come up with some kind of system that I don't actually hate. You will be notified of any progress.

Bye for now, guys. I'm closing in on 40k so I'm gonna go... do that.
