

Because a metric buttload has happened.

First off, I get me a little better now. I just spent two weeks with my father and his parents and I kind of get my thought processes a little more now. I got a lot from his side of the family in terms of varied interests (and laziness, apparently). But I have two new sewing machines (a Singer Red Eye and a Nelco) and an Appalachian Lap Dulcimer. It's cool ^^

Over those two weeks, I've made a small quilt and developed a taste for iced coffee. And huckleberry stuff. So that was fun. Montana's kind of nice, actually.

Secondly, writing. I've been wanting to write ALL THE THINGS lately. This includes writing scripts for 'Nucl3arsnake: Hacker Extraordinaire.' Yeah. This is what my life has become... and I kind of love it. I feel like I can just relax and be creative when things like that happen.

Thirdly, cosplay. There are two characters I'd like to get a workable outfit for: Francis Pritchard from Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Johnny C. from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. I am not a sane person, clearly, but those two just stick in my head.

Fourth: House. We have a house. And such a fine house it is. No, really, I do like the place. It's the exact opposite of what I wanted at first but I still like it.

This is a condensed version of what's been going on but that's basically what my last two weeks have been.

Now, I'm too warm and feeling a little like I want to scream so I think I'll go back upstairs and try not to get in the way anymore than I am already.

This happens a lot but it's still annoying. Wish I knew more how to fix these little personality... things I have.


I learned something yesterday.

I don't do outdoor ranges.

Not only are there bugs everywhere but if I'm going to learn, I'd rather it be in a static environment.

Also, my dad was in a parade. He was sitting on the back of a truck with a bunch of other people, playing bluegrass music. Yeah. Small town parades. When they drove past, he yelled to me 'We've been playing this song since we left! We're getting good!'

My family.

So I'm in the library now, having Deus Ex: Human Revolution feels. Dad's wandering around looking lost.

'Somebody ate our tape dispenser.'

He really just said that. Like, completely serious. And then handed me a flash drive with a bunch of demotivational posters on it.

Anyway. I have too many ideas in my head. For one of them, I will need metal. A strong, durable metal that isn't too heavy but can stand up to everyday use without tearing, denting or scratching. I will also need an outer cloth that is fairly thin but doesn't tear or fray easily - similar for the liner. And possibly some heavy duty plastic. Something I could put a fair bit of weight on without it snapping or anything.

That idea is my favourite because it's a tech-fashion idea.

I am a nerd.

Also, I put a small like 300 word thing up on tumblr and someone loved it. I'm disproportionately happy about that.

Not much has been happening really. It's Saturday and I have too many ideas. I'm a little anxious to get home and see Mom. And the house. I'd like to see the house too.

I'm rambling, aren't I?


See you later, everyone, hopefully when I'm a little less boring. (This took me way too long to type...)



That title is a reference to the time I got my hand caught in the slide of a Walther P99. Thankfully, it was an air gun, not a real one. Ouch, though.

I spent yesterday with Susi in Hamilton while Dad was in a meeting. That was really fun actually. She bought me a bracelet even though I told her she really didn't have to and thanked her a lot. And Dad texted her to say the meeting was excruciating.

It's kind of hard to type with the bandage on my hand but it's not too awful.

Not too much has been happening right now but I think people are coming over for dinner and a kind of jam session thing so that might be fun.

I've also been thinking about cyberaugs. I want to go back through one of my story ideas and see what I can or can't do to bring that more to the forefront of the story. Anyway...

I have a fan story and a zombie story to write. And a quilt to finish.

Bye for now guys~ I'll check in with something more interesting soon ^^


Who says the week's out? It's only Tuesday.

First off, we've been adopted. By the Lowe's.

They're nice people. Larry is a contractor and he helped by other grandparents fix up their house when they first moved in. His wife Kathy quilts too and her machine is amazing.

But we got there and met everyone and hung around outside for a while. They had a duck race (with little rubber ducks in a creek in the back yard) and then we sat around and I listened to dad play music in the garage with grandpa. Susi was there too.

The Lowe's have a big dog named Ruby. She's really sweet but she kept trying to steal food from us XD

After the food was ready, we all wandered around and ate (They had grilled corn and awesome potato slices - not chips, actual slices of potato - and macaroni salad.) and Dad found Kathy's sewing machine and we started making a quilt. (It's just a little wall hanging thing but I stitched most of it and I'm kind of happy ^^)

Yesterday, Susi drove us up to the Bison Range. We saw a bison. Singular. One bison. This one:

Bison are big.

But there were other things too, like deer:

A mommy and a baby.

And these things (I think they're antelope) :

But that was about it. It was still a nice drive though.

I've been meaning to text my mom but I keep getting nervous and not sending them. Weird. We might have a house, though. She sent me the link and it's cute and awesome and I want to live there~!

On the way up, Susi stopped at Starbucks. I can't drink their coffee warm but iced is pretty good and their chai tea is amazing. Then, on the way back, there was a wreck so rather than wait in traffic, we flipped around and went to IHop (that isn't spelled right, is it? It doesn't look like it is.). Dad fell asleep in the car on the way back... then he fell asleep sitting up on Susi's couch. I poked him in the nose with a cat toy and everything and he didn't wake up. So we put him in the bedroom and let him sleep for about twenty minutes. Then he was okay.

But I'm yet again in the Darby public library, typing away. I think I might get Dad to check out a few books on sewing. He brought them to me and they look interesting.

I might just watch Marble Hornets again. I need to catch up on everything. There's also a Slenderman game now, free to download so I might wind up playing it at one point or another.

I can't believe it's Tuesday. I can't believe I can still eat with chopsticks. I can't believe I made a quilt. I also can't believe how loud it's getting in here.

It's someone's retirement party so I'd should probably try to be sociable here soon.

Bye for now guys. I'll be back soon. I think it might storm here ^^



and sewing machines.

My father has a Nelco sewing machine he said I could have along with the Singer 'Red Eye'. It's good little machine, too. We were out in his shop for a while the other night, which was all fine until we had to go back in the house.

See, his part of the shop is all walled in and nice. A little dirty but nice. And there's a light in there. A light which we had on in order to see, of course. So, when we turned the light out and opened the door, I had to walk through a cloud of moths that had gathered just outside the glass in the door. Nice.

Also, Grandpa Bud says he thinks I look a little like Alison Krauss. So I'm kinda happy about that.

We're going over to a friend of the family's place around three this afternoon for this barbeque thing. (I'm hoping for side-dishes.) The guy's name is Larry and we're going over to give him a mandolin since his is, apparently, junk. It's weird though - it's his family reunion but we're all invited.

I'm in a library at 10 in the morning. This should be every nerd's dream. But rather than spazzing over the books, I'm strangely calm. Writing and just kind of waiting for things to happen.

My doctor character's kind of cynical so that's fun, especially since his intern is a bleeding heart,  save the world type who doesn't really know when to quit. So that's an interesting clash. There's also the matter of the Natural Order Initiative - which rejects medical intervention in cases of 'Red Fever'.


Yeah. My brain builds worlds pretty quick. It's kind of scary sometimes.

Anyway. That's about all I've got for now. I have my phone with me so I'll probably wind up texting my mum if I have some downtime at Larry's family reunion (which I'm still unclear as to why we're invited to).


An Occurence at Trapper Creek

is the title of the thing I'm doing now. It's a zombie thing. It's a doctor thing. The doctors are not zombies - the doctor's work with zombies. It's interesting.

I have so many feelings and so much going on right now in my head. There's this whole story in there that I need to work on, there are scripts for a project that I really want to get off of the ground that I want to at least figure out a little bit of.

I have a lot of candy (huckleberry candy) and Dad just set a book down next to me. It's on Shoujo Manga Techniques - Writing Stories. So that's cool.

It's fairly simple construction, basic elements tied together in new ways. That's all most stories are. It really comes down to how the author handled them.

I'm sitting here and it's kind of hazy outside and it's making me homesick. I'm also kind of on an Avengers/Loki/Tom Hiddleston kick and it's probably good that I don't have internet at the house. *spazzes* I need to remember to bring my computer upstairs so I can watch 'Thor'.

At least I have a lot I can work on off-line so that helps. That and video games. And books. Books always help. Best weapons in the world.

That's actually about all that's been happening around here. There's a lot of things I want to do and probably not many I'll get to do any time soon but that's okay. I can hold onto the dream, or whatever. Actually, I can just do it later but that doesn't sound as poetic.

I'm not sure where, if anywhere, we're going after this but I'll be sure to ramble about it if it's anywhere interesting. There's a lot to do here if you know the right people.

Bye for now guys. I think the last few days are catching up with me.


The Update Hub

Or 'I'm sorry, Mom, I keep forgetting to turn my phone on.'

Let's see...

I'm still a little skittish around my other Grandma but that's slowly wearing off. She told me how she managed to keep hitting Grandpa Bud in the face with water from the sprinkler (four times!) while she was moving it around the yard. Then she was talking about when she and Grandpa Bud met. Before then, when she was about 19, I guess, she worked on base and one time everyone went out for steak - like a dinner party. She was still uncomfortable about using silverware then and when she tried to cut her steak, it wouldn't cut. So she pushed on the knife a little harder. Nothing. She pushed a little harder and the steak flew across the table. So, she was embarrassed, of course and had to live that down for a while.

But when she and my other grandpa went out, they had steak again. She was a little annoyed at first because she'd told him about that. She sat there and watched him cut his steak into bite-sized pieces... and then he switched plates with her.

So that went from funny to sweet ^^

Also, Grandpa Bud managed to soak the carpet under their bedroom window yesterday because he turned the sprinklers on while the window was open. So that's funny, too.

I met so many people. Like Sandy, who I think makes dolls or doll clothes and has a little wiggly dog named 'Gidget' who always wants to be picked up. And Derry, the library janitor. He's cool. And a nice but plastic-looking woman named Wendy. And Victor, who's from the Ukraine. And Daniel, the preacher's son (I think).

So, yeah, lot of people.

I have my sewing machine. It's a Singer 'Red Eye' model and I love it. I kind of want to make a quilt or something now. Dad has a book on quilting.

And I have food now. Like, cherries and rice and things. And a new movie. I found 'Thor' in the place we stopped to get things so that worked out well. I'd been meaning to see it and I just never got around to it.

I've been meaning to write, too but I tend to leave my computer downstairs because I'm lazy and don't want to carry it upstairs again. Plus, Dad stays up late and I'm usually out with him. The first day I was here, we were out past midnight. Last night, we were up into about 1:30. Not exactly conducive to writing. He did let me hold different handguns though and that's cool. I'm hoping we can get to the range next week.

There's an Xbox 360 upstairs - the room I'm sleeping in - so the lack of TV and internet isn't as bad as it could be. He has Assassin's Creed and Halo 2 and Red Faction so those are good for killing time. Aside from my random crying jags, things are going pretty well. (Grandma always worries when I'm crying, even though I tell her I'm okay.)

This was a really rambling post but I'm still trying to figure out... everything, really, so I guess that's to be expected. I'm starting to see where I get a lot of my weirdness though. Like 'Thank you, dear'. He says that, too.

I have strawberries now so I'm going to go and eat. Take care, everyone. I'll try to get my thoughts more in order soon and not ramble so much.



Things aren't awful. I'm blogging from the local library since it's the only place with internet but other than that, it's okay here. Dad walked me through his shop and showed me all the old sewing machines he's picked up. Apparently the wasps here don't bother you. Like, there was one in there but he didn't attack us. He kind of looked like he's apologise if he bumped into you... Weird.

Here's my room:

It's fairly big and really cozy. It's upstairs and there's no screen in the window but the bugs don't seem too interested in me (thank God).


And from the top:

I don't have a lot of pictures of the place since things were kind of a little awkward and I didn't want to start snapping pictures like a tourist. This, though, I needed to get. This is my upstairs bathroom:

Well, this is the actual bathroom, through the door to your left:

It's clean - it's just small and kind of antique. It's interesting, to say the least. But the place is really clean and nicely-decorated and I feel kind of safe and homey there so it could be much worse.

'What is this?'
'These are eyeglasses (megane).'

I can ask and respond to this in Japanese now. So that's cool ^^

My other grandmother seems kind of skittish around me but I think that's wearing off. She doesn't really drop too many words anymore and her accent is a little less obvious, too so that makes it a little easier on the both of us.

I'm sitting around in the library right now. Dad went off to hunt down vegetables and things. He said we could maybe have a stir-fry tomorrow night. And OMG, guys, the baby carrots here are so sweet! They're locally grown and you can tell.

So. I'll be spending most of tonight reading and probably writing a little (I want to work on 'Coyote Randy') . I hope everyone is doing well and will continue to be doing well for as long as I'm away.

Also, I just heard that Deus Ex: Human Revolution is being made into a movie. For simplicity's sake, I'll spare you my spazzing about that until another day but OMG!

I just heard my father comment that he didn't understand carrot anatomy so I should probably go and see what that's about. Until later, guys and dolls. I'll try to come back with pictures!

Bye for now~


You could pay me to stay here

but it'd have to be a whole hell of a lot.


I'm in Darby, MT. And, no offense if you're from there, but it is a bore hole. And I'll be here for two weeks. I'm anxious and panicky and I know I'll be fine but right now all I wanna do is curl up and read and write fan stories for a series only a few other people know and drink iced coffee with cinnamon and play the piano.

*deep breath*

I'll be okay. I know I'll be fine but it's still nerve-wracking, you know?

The drive up was fun, though. Road construction and 'We're gonna keep you here until the pilot car comes back, twenty minutes from now' type of stuff. Also bugs. Bugs all over the windshield.

That and the first place we stayed at was... awful. I mean, Motel 6 level scuzzy. The floor was slanting. But then we found a nicer place to stay for the night and that made things a little easier. Plus, there was food nearby. I got a 12-inch vegetarian pizza (and promptly ate half of it).

My father might be down to see us before it gets too late tonight and I'm all nerve-bundle-y about that. He's only a few miles down the road so, yeah. I haven't seen him in a while but he's working at the local library so that at least gives us something to talk about - books.

The one school I want to go to has an exchange program set up with a university in Japan. I'm not sure you realise just how big of a deal that is for someone who is a quarter Japanese and has been wanting to learn about the language and culture for a while. But it's a big deal.

And of course all of this, school and family and writing and psychology, kind of hits me all at once and in fits and starts. That makes me panic for a while and then I calm down and get over it.

But that's about where I am for now. I might try to plan a story or something, just to take my mind off of things.

I'll check in once I stop feeling like running screaming from the room (or the window can be unlocked, so that's an option too).

This was rambling and kind of pointless so I'm gonna go try to do something productive. Bye, all~!


I'm in Wyoming

And the place we're staying at is like, waterfall-in-the-lobby, on-site-restaurant-with-gourmet-macaroni-and-cheese upscale.

I just can't even... Wow. It's only seven-forty here and I'm just like wired on exhaustion. And sugar. A fair amount of sugar.

On the way up, we saw misplaced apostrophes and a sign for a repair shop that offered '24 hr. toe service'. So yeah.

We wound up at a Holiday Inn and guys... let me just show you. These are the rooms this time:

And this is part of the lobby:

This is another part of the lobby, with 'The Greenery' restaurant:

And then there's this (the waterfall from the front):

Also this:

I just can't even get over how beautiful this place is. I want to decorate a space like this when and if I ever have the space to do something like this.

Tomorrow, I'll be in the Mountain Spirit Inn (I think) in Montana. I'll be staying with my father and my other grandparents for about two weeks. I'm hoping this is a good visit. I haven't seen my other grandparents in about 7 years and that's a long time.

I really haven't seen my Japanese grandmother, Yoko, in forever and she makes me nervous. Not really in a bad way - we're just so different. She still has a strong accent from what I remember so I really have to listen when she talks. I hope we can get along, though. There's a lot I'd like to learn from both her and my dad.

So, I'll probably check in tomorrow and spazz and be insanely nervous because I'll probably meet up with my father the day after. For now, though, I think I'll try to go to sleep. It's a shorter day tomorrow but still, I don't want to be falling asleep in the car.

Bye for now, guys.


A Lot of Ten-Year-Olds Hate Me Right Now

And long day was long. Let me walk you through.

I went to the Sertoma Butterfly House today. I now have butterfly book darts. Also, I was being brave and getting close to the small spider enclosures they have along one wall. The first one had a Mexican Red Velvet Tarantula in it. There were a few other species and then one of them had these Madagascar hissing cockroaches. They’re kind of cool-looking.

Also, a butterfly walked on me. Not just walked on me but stood on me, tasted me for about a solid minute and then continued to stand on me. And it continued to stand on me until my mother got him to stand on her long enough to put him on a nearby plant. So that was awesome. There were so many of these bright blue butterflies in there. Every time I’d see one, I’d think ‘Hello, Absolum’ because I am a geek.

It’s not just a butterfly house, though. They have a small aquarium attached. With a touch tank. And lionfish – I love lionfish. I couldn’t pet the lionfish but I did get to pet the stingrays and one of those little algae-cleaner fish – I’m not sure what they’re called. (I know they have an actual name but I can’t look it up because the internet at the hotel is down. Again. So, if you’re reading this, either it came back up or I posted it from a Barns and Noble. Or possibly a McDonald's.)

Then we popped into World Market again. I now have two more bottles of Blood Orange Soda and I am happy about that. I also found these little square violet mints that I used to get from my father. I haven’t had them in years and I’d completely forgotten about them.

Since it was getting on toward noon, we decided we would stop for lunch at Cracker Barrel, which is a nice place, really. It’s country but not annoyingly western. It’s more like old-world, out on the plains kind of country. We both just got an egg sandwich with tomato and fired apples in a little dish on the side. Just good, cozy food.

But this is the part most ten-year-olds would hate me for.

We went to Cold Stone Creamery, a place which neither of us had ever been to. Guys. I can’t even … I had a small scoop of Oatmeal Cookie Batter. It was rich enough that I was feeling slightly ill by the end of it but it was good enough that I didn’t care about that.

Then we went up to the Great Plains Zoo. It was hot and sticky outside but they have Amur Tigers there. Also, it’s connected to a museum (which is awesome and much cooler than outside) so we wandered around there for a while before we walked out into the actual zoo.

A man named Bill walked up to us in said museum (while we were looking at eggs, if I remember rightly) and mentioned that he saw we had some tattoo work. We do – both I and my mother have full sleeves – and we get asked about them quite a bit. He put a hand on each of our shoulders and said ‘You know what I think about tattoos?’ We shook our heads. ‘I think they’re a beautiful artistic expression. And you are beautiful people.’* Then he hugged us both.

So that was new.

We walked around outside and stared at a giant anteater and a tiger for a while, hanging out in the shade, before we ventured out into the rest of the zoo. We managed to catch the train around the one side of it and then walked around the rest. I really wish I’d thought to bring my camera (it’s usually in the car, not in the room so I spaced on it) because there were giraffes. And giraffes are huge in person.

There were also geese – gaggles of them – waddling around the zoo so we fed them. Then Mum goosed one. Not really, but we touched them without getting pinched, at least.

I managed to bruise my knees crawling through the ‘Turtle Tunnel’. (Yes, I am almost twenty and no, I don’t care.) But that’s all fine because I got to ride a camel. His name was Cletus and they let me pet his head. *squee* Unfortunately, it made me miss riding horses. I haven’t been riding in forever and I really want to go again.

So that was my day. I am tired, I need a shower, and I’m stupidly hungry even though nothing sounds good.

I’m going to go and maybe try to write for JulNoWriMo a little bit until it’s time for dinner. I have so many ideas, guys, I just don’t know what to do with half of them. I’m bouncing back and forth between something original and a fan story right now – actually, several fan stories right now.

I wonder if it’s something to do with all the stress lately? I mean, I’m going to college and I really want to do the study abroad thing and that’s stressful for a girl who’s never been out of his parent’s sight… I just mixed my pronouns there. Huh. Well, I’m not fixing it. Welcome to my brain.

Really, I’m gonna go. This thing is about a thousand words now and I really don’t need to talk that much.

Bye for now guys.

*This is somewhat paraphrased as I can’t remember exactly what he said. I was something along those lines. We’ve since dubbed him ‘Crazy Bill’. But, hey, if I have to be around crazy people, I’d rather them be crazy like him. :)


This City

which is our lifeblood could be brought to its knees by a single thought - why do we dream? - Galiger Tibalt.

It doesn't quite fit as Sioux Falls is far from Tokyo in terms of cyberpunk technology but it's a cool quote. Tibalt is asking, or rather pointing out, that we do not often stop to question our own lives and their relation to the world around us. More often than not we lock ourselves into a classic model for success - work, money, family - and never stop to question our motivations or to wonder why we dream. This quote seems to say that if we did, we might lose our current society but the unspoken continuation is that we may gain something much more valuable for taking the risk.

It's kind of an amazingly simple and deep quote... considering I just made it up. I make up quotes a lot. Anyway.

I ate blueberries the other day. That's not really a big deal except it kind of is because up until then I wouldn't eat them if I were starving. They were in this salad with sweetened spinach leaves, sliced strawberries and candied walnuts. It came with this little cup of tomato basil soup and I almost made myself sick on it.

Also, you know what they have here? World Market. If you don't know what that is, look into it. It is an amazing store. It has things from everywhere - Japan, Germany, Korea, Norway - and I just love it to death.

Let me take you through what happened here, 'cause it's kind of a long story:

We got into town and had planned to stay in an extended-stay hotel for the week. That kind of fell through since the place was basically a glorified Motel 6. So we stayed at the Ramkota Hotel which has an indoor pool with a water-slide, a restaurant and a little sports bar in the hotel. Also, the rooms look like this:

So that's kind of awesome. We then spent several days looking around the place. It's nice, actually. I mean, I rather like it but then mum and I figured out a better way to handle the whole college thing which effectively made this whole trip a long vacation. Which is fine by me.

Time for obligatory pictures of Falls Park:

And this one:

And then across the park (it's a big place):

There's also this creepy-looking thing near the actual falls:

Which leads me to bite my tongue to avoid making a 'The Key and The Gate' reference. I mean, seriously, look at this thing:

It's kind of a shame they had it closed off.

So then, after talking things over quite a bit, we decided I could go to Grey's Harbor Community College (which has a study abroad program, amazingly) and then go on to Evergreen State, we went to the bookstore. Prepare for book spam:

I got The Catcher in the Rye:

Slaughterhouse Five:

A Clockwork Orange:

The Sociopath Next Door:

Batman and Psychology (my geek is showing):

This awesome Edgar Allen Poe book:

And, of course, The Art of War:

So that was about 100 dollars and an awesome trip. From there, we went out for lunch since my stomach was about to eat itself. Chili's is actually good about substitutions so I could get a veggie quesadilla. Yay~!

The next little while was spent wandering around World Market. As a result, I have even more picture spam for you:

'Kimmy' Seasoned Seaweed (Korea):

Curiosity Cola:

Ramune Drink (Japan):

'Hello Kitty' Lucky Stars Candy (China):

'Chimes' Ginger Chews (Indonesia):

Blood Orange Soda (Italy):

And Dolfin Dark Chocolate with Pink Peppercorns (Belgium):

So yeah. I have way too many pictures and are you jealous yet? You have to be jealous. I would be. *squees*

Anyway, that was my picture-heavy post for the past few days. I'll be heading back soon and getting things straightened out there. But first I'll be in Montana for about two weeks. I feel like a touring author ^^

So... sorry (or not) for the picture spam this time but I'm all happy and excited because I won't be as bored anymore. I feel like Sherlock sometimes - 'Bored.'

Bye for now guys. I'm rambling and taking up a lot of space here so I'll check in once we figure out what exactly we'll be doing next.

(Long blog post was long.)



So. I'm in Sioux Falls. And because I'm in Sioux Falls, I'm both happy, tired and slightly stressed.

We were going to stay at an extended-stay hotel but it's in the industrial area and just... not quite our style. So I'm at a place called the Ramkota Hotel. They have this little place inside called the Maple Street Cafe and guys... OMG. They have this roasted tomato pasta with this red wine sauce. I ate it. All of it. And I feel sick but I don't care.

On the drive up here, we saw cows and the occasional motorcycle. That was about it. Oh and a truck full of pigs. They were adorable.

For right now, I'm busy getting slightly annoyed with people in general and being stressed about things and (stupidly) wanting to write. Also tumblr isn't loading quite right so that's annoying too. I'm kind of wired for sound in a couple of ways, neither of which really make sense.

I've also been fangirling couples again. This is apparently my stress reaction. So yeah. Anyway. IDK what I'm doing right now aside from freaking out as the fact that I'm up here now and will have to get on with things slowly sinks in.

Also. Script Frenzy. Apparently the OLL can't keep running it; it's too much of a loss for them and it just hasn't grown like the other programs. So that sucks. I'll still do it though. It was an awesome program. If nothing else it was a great way to plan and outline.

Now, I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe write a little on something pointless and just not worry about things for a while.

I'm rambling so bye for now guys. I'll check in probably tomorrow and let you guys know I'm still alive.