

Things aren't awful. I'm blogging from the local library since it's the only place with internet but other than that, it's okay here. Dad walked me through his shop and showed me all the old sewing machines he's picked up. Apparently the wasps here don't bother you. Like, there was one in there but he didn't attack us. He kind of looked like he's apologise if he bumped into you... Weird.

Here's my room:

It's fairly big and really cozy. It's upstairs and there's no screen in the window but the bugs don't seem too interested in me (thank God).


And from the top:

I don't have a lot of pictures of the place since things were kind of a little awkward and I didn't want to start snapping pictures like a tourist. This, though, I needed to get. This is my upstairs bathroom:

Well, this is the actual bathroom, through the door to your left:

It's clean - it's just small and kind of antique. It's interesting, to say the least. But the place is really clean and nicely-decorated and I feel kind of safe and homey there so it could be much worse.

'What is this?'
'These are eyeglasses (megane).'

I can ask and respond to this in Japanese now. So that's cool ^^

My other grandmother seems kind of skittish around me but I think that's wearing off. She doesn't really drop too many words anymore and her accent is a little less obvious, too so that makes it a little easier on the both of us.

I'm sitting around in the library right now. Dad went off to hunt down vegetables and things. He said we could maybe have a stir-fry tomorrow night. And OMG, guys, the baby carrots here are so sweet! They're locally grown and you can tell.

So. I'll be spending most of tonight reading and probably writing a little (I want to work on 'Coyote Randy') . I hope everyone is doing well and will continue to be doing well for as long as I'm away.

Also, I just heard that Deus Ex: Human Revolution is being made into a movie. For simplicity's sake, I'll spare you my spazzing about that until another day but OMG!

I just heard my father comment that he didn't understand carrot anatomy so I should probably go and see what that's about. Until later, guys and dolls. I'll try to come back with pictures!

Bye for now~