

So. I'm in Sioux Falls. And because I'm in Sioux Falls, I'm both happy, tired and slightly stressed.

We were going to stay at an extended-stay hotel but it's in the industrial area and just... not quite our style. So I'm at a place called the Ramkota Hotel. They have this little place inside called the Maple Street Cafe and guys... OMG. They have this roasted tomato pasta with this red wine sauce. I ate it. All of it. And I feel sick but I don't care.

On the drive up here, we saw cows and the occasional motorcycle. That was about it. Oh and a truck full of pigs. They were adorable.

For right now, I'm busy getting slightly annoyed with people in general and being stressed about things and (stupidly) wanting to write. Also tumblr isn't loading quite right so that's annoying too. I'm kind of wired for sound in a couple of ways, neither of which really make sense.

I've also been fangirling couples again. This is apparently my stress reaction. So yeah. Anyway. IDK what I'm doing right now aside from freaking out as the fact that I'm up here now and will have to get on with things slowly sinks in.

Also. Script Frenzy. Apparently the OLL can't keep running it; it's too much of a loss for them and it just hasn't grown like the other programs. So that sucks. I'll still do it though. It was an awesome program. If nothing else it was a great way to plan and outline.

Now, I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe write a little on something pointless and just not worry about things for a while.

I'm rambling so bye for now guys. I'll check in probably tomorrow and let you guys know I'm still alive.