
You could pay me to stay here

but it'd have to be a whole hell of a lot.


I'm in Darby, MT. And, no offense if you're from there, but it is a bore hole. And I'll be here for two weeks. I'm anxious and panicky and I know I'll be fine but right now all I wanna do is curl up and read and write fan stories for a series only a few other people know and drink iced coffee with cinnamon and play the piano.

*deep breath*

I'll be okay. I know I'll be fine but it's still nerve-wracking, you know?

The drive up was fun, though. Road construction and 'We're gonna keep you here until the pilot car comes back, twenty minutes from now' type of stuff. Also bugs. Bugs all over the windshield.

That and the first place we stayed at was... awful. I mean, Motel 6 level scuzzy. The floor was slanting. But then we found a nicer place to stay for the night and that made things a little easier. Plus, there was food nearby. I got a 12-inch vegetarian pizza (and promptly ate half of it).

My father might be down to see us before it gets too late tonight and I'm all nerve-bundle-y about that. He's only a few miles down the road so, yeah. I haven't seen him in a while but he's working at the local library so that at least gives us something to talk about - books.

The one school I want to go to has an exchange program set up with a university in Japan. I'm not sure you realise just how big of a deal that is for someone who is a quarter Japanese and has been wanting to learn about the language and culture for a while. But it's a big deal.

And of course all of this, school and family and writing and psychology, kind of hits me all at once and in fits and starts. That makes me panic for a while and then I calm down and get over it.

But that's about where I am for now. I might try to plan a story or something, just to take my mind off of things.

I'll check in once I stop feeling like running screaming from the room (or the window can be unlocked, so that's an option too).

This was rambling and kind of pointless so I'm gonna go try to do something productive. Bye, all~!