
Who says the week's out? It's only Tuesday.

First off, we've been adopted. By the Lowe's.

They're nice people. Larry is a contractor and he helped by other grandparents fix up their house when they first moved in. His wife Kathy quilts too and her machine is amazing.

But we got there and met everyone and hung around outside for a while. They had a duck race (with little rubber ducks in a creek in the back yard) and then we sat around and I listened to dad play music in the garage with grandpa. Susi was there too.

The Lowe's have a big dog named Ruby. She's really sweet but she kept trying to steal food from us XD

After the food was ready, we all wandered around and ate (They had grilled corn and awesome potato slices - not chips, actual slices of potato - and macaroni salad.) and Dad found Kathy's sewing machine and we started making a quilt. (It's just a little wall hanging thing but I stitched most of it and I'm kind of happy ^^)

Yesterday, Susi drove us up to the Bison Range. We saw a bison. Singular. One bison. This one:

Bison are big.

But there were other things too, like deer:

A mommy and a baby.

And these things (I think they're antelope) :

But that was about it. It was still a nice drive though.

I've been meaning to text my mom but I keep getting nervous and not sending them. Weird. We might have a house, though. She sent me the link and it's cute and awesome and I want to live there~!

On the way up, Susi stopped at Starbucks. I can't drink their coffee warm but iced is pretty good and their chai tea is amazing. Then, on the way back, there was a wreck so rather than wait in traffic, we flipped around and went to IHop (that isn't spelled right, is it? It doesn't look like it is.). Dad fell asleep in the car on the way back... then he fell asleep sitting up on Susi's couch. I poked him in the nose with a cat toy and everything and he didn't wake up. So we put him in the bedroom and let him sleep for about twenty minutes. Then he was okay.

But I'm yet again in the Darby public library, typing away. I think I might get Dad to check out a few books on sewing. He brought them to me and they look interesting.

I might just watch Marble Hornets again. I need to catch up on everything. There's also a Slenderman game now, free to download so I might wind up playing it at one point or another.

I can't believe it's Tuesday. I can't believe I can still eat with chopsticks. I can't believe I made a quilt. I also can't believe how loud it's getting in here.

It's someone's retirement party so I'd should probably try to be sociable here soon.

Bye for now guys. I'll be back soon. I think it might storm here ^^