
I learned something yesterday.

I don't do outdoor ranges.

Not only are there bugs everywhere but if I'm going to learn, I'd rather it be in a static environment.

Also, my dad was in a parade. He was sitting on the back of a truck with a bunch of other people, playing bluegrass music. Yeah. Small town parades. When they drove past, he yelled to me 'We've been playing this song since we left! We're getting good!'

My family.

So I'm in the library now, having Deus Ex: Human Revolution feels. Dad's wandering around looking lost.

'Somebody ate our tape dispenser.'

He really just said that. Like, completely serious. And then handed me a flash drive with a bunch of demotivational posters on it.

Anyway. I have too many ideas in my head. For one of them, I will need metal. A strong, durable metal that isn't too heavy but can stand up to everyday use without tearing, denting or scratching. I will also need an outer cloth that is fairly thin but doesn't tear or fray easily - similar for the liner. And possibly some heavy duty plastic. Something I could put a fair bit of weight on without it snapping or anything.

That idea is my favourite because it's a tech-fashion idea.

I am a nerd.

Also, I put a small like 300 word thing up on tumblr and someone loved it. I'm disproportionately happy about that.

Not much has been happening really. It's Saturday and I have too many ideas. I'm a little anxious to get home and see Mom. And the house. I'd like to see the house too.

I'm rambling, aren't I?


See you later, everyone, hopefully when I'm a little less boring. (This took me way too long to type...)