
The Update Hub

Or 'I'm sorry, Mom, I keep forgetting to turn my phone on.'

Let's see...

I'm still a little skittish around my other Grandma but that's slowly wearing off. She told me how she managed to keep hitting Grandpa Bud in the face with water from the sprinkler (four times!) while she was moving it around the yard. Then she was talking about when she and Grandpa Bud met. Before then, when she was about 19, I guess, she worked on base and one time everyone went out for steak - like a dinner party. She was still uncomfortable about using silverware then and when she tried to cut her steak, it wouldn't cut. So she pushed on the knife a little harder. Nothing. She pushed a little harder and the steak flew across the table. So, she was embarrassed, of course and had to live that down for a while.

But when she and my other grandpa went out, they had steak again. She was a little annoyed at first because she'd told him about that. She sat there and watched him cut his steak into bite-sized pieces... and then he switched plates with her.

So that went from funny to sweet ^^

Also, Grandpa Bud managed to soak the carpet under their bedroom window yesterday because he turned the sprinklers on while the window was open. So that's funny, too.

I met so many people. Like Sandy, who I think makes dolls or doll clothes and has a little wiggly dog named 'Gidget' who always wants to be picked up. And Derry, the library janitor. He's cool. And a nice but plastic-looking woman named Wendy. And Victor, who's from the Ukraine. And Daniel, the preacher's son (I think).

So, yeah, lot of people.

I have my sewing machine. It's a Singer 'Red Eye' model and I love it. I kind of want to make a quilt or something now. Dad has a book on quilting.

And I have food now. Like, cherries and rice and things. And a new movie. I found 'Thor' in the place we stopped to get things so that worked out well. I'd been meaning to see it and I just never got around to it.

I've been meaning to write, too but I tend to leave my computer downstairs because I'm lazy and don't want to carry it upstairs again. Plus, Dad stays up late and I'm usually out with him. The first day I was here, we were out past midnight. Last night, we were up into about 1:30. Not exactly conducive to writing. He did let me hold different handguns though and that's cool. I'm hoping we can get to the range next week.

There's an Xbox 360 upstairs - the room I'm sleeping in - so the lack of TV and internet isn't as bad as it could be. He has Assassin's Creed and Halo 2 and Red Faction so those are good for killing time. Aside from my random crying jags, things are going pretty well. (Grandma always worries when I'm crying, even though I tell her I'm okay.)

This was a really rambling post but I'm still trying to figure out... everything, really, so I guess that's to be expected. I'm starting to see where I get a lot of my weirdness though. Like 'Thank you, dear'. He says that, too.

I have strawberries now so I'm going to go and eat. Take care, everyone. I'll try to get my thoughts more in order soon and not ramble so much.