
Why I Hate Typing Tests

I do not test well. As a general rule, at least.

My typing speed on tests is about 40 words-for-minute. Still decent but I can feel how much slower I am on those tests. Part of it is that I'm only about maybe 40% touch-typist, so I'm have to stop and read and then type, which slows me down.

Anyway. That really wasn't enough to constitute a title, was it? Oh, well.

Several things:

1) I need a new book to read. I'm not sure if I should finish the one I got from feedbooks (e-book) or pick one from my shelf.

2) I have been writing. Not a lot but some. I like the idea and the actual manuscript format set-up I have now seems to be making me take it a little more seriously.

3) I keep trying to capitalise numbers. I need to remember that I am not Chuck Norris.

4) Sometimes I consider asking that a teacher use gender-neutral pronouns for me but then I remember that I hate calling attention to myself/having to explain on the spot.

5) I've been vegetarian for about three years. I'm not sure why I thought about that but I think it was because royalty in one of my worlds take formal vows (one of which is to never 'consume animal flesh') and I was trying to figure out what age they should be for that. I could actually say 'It's against my formal vows'.


I think it's time for a change. Like a big one.

I'm not sure where to start or where I even really want to end up right now but something needs to change. I'll... I don't know, move overseas and live the carefree bohemian life of an artist. Or not. I really have no idea right now.

I'll get it together but it's probably going to take a little longer than I really want it to.

Wish me luck and all that. I should probably spend the weekend taking notes and brushing up on things. Maths class is starting to get to that point where I need to actually start reading the textbook.