
Sunday is Gloomy

My hours are slumber-less...
Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless...


Why exactly am I asked to do assignments concerning basic sentence structure in an English 101 class?

Missing Cynthia

My name is Caroline Irvine.
My name is Caroline Irvine and I am an only child.
I lived with my mother before dad came back.
Have you heard about my sister?
She disappeared before I started school this year.
She tried to talk to the doctors but no one listened to her.
I miss her.
Why won't they let me see her?



I love the rain.
I love the rain and I love the dark clouds.
I love the rain because it calms me down.
But have I ever loved the rain for what it is?
I love the rain because I love the sound and the feeling.
I love the rain but I never stop to consider the water.
I love the sound.
Have you ever loved the rain for the water?

There. Have some writing.

I mean, I don't hate them but I just... why? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get a coherent idea down in eight lines? I can barely do it in 200 pages!


It's warm up here. Granted it isn't as bad as it might have been if I didn't have a fan. I have a fan on a stand and it's pretty and awesome. So... yeah.

I'm up and listening to to music, seeing what I can tag as 'Vexspo*' so I can feel like I'm being rebellious/ill just because I'm creative.

I have notes to do but I don't care enough to jump in with that just yet, it's too warm to sleep but not quite enough to be stifling or anything, and I really wish I could pin my hair up away from my piercing. I mean, it's not long enough to get tangled up or anything but... I don't know, I need to wash my hair, at least. I think I'll feel better after that.

*slow exhale*

I drank a bunch of coffee around eight. That was not smart. It's after midnight here and I am kind of wired. So. I think I'll be up and not doing much at all for a while. Might read, might try to write, idk.

I might just wind up listening to music and going back though this blog. I haven't just stopped and read it for a while.

Well, whatever I wind up doing, I do need to sleep sometime before sunrise. I only have one more week of getting up this early, though, so that's kind of nice.

I'll see you all later, then. I hope you have a good week.

(*It's a long story. Here's the short version: It's from a book I'm working on.)