
Want to see my desktop?

It's so awesome! It's for a story but I thought the logo looked cool so I did this.


I have this now:

It's kind of awesome. This was done by a guy named Eddy. Eddy is very nice. The side of my head hurts a little now but the scaffold itself didn't actually hurt that badly. He had me lying down and he just told me to take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I felt this pinch but that was about it. Apparently, it bled a bit and freaked my mum out a little. (And these do bleed, by the way. They're putting holes in you. It's not that bad, though. Like, maybe a two out of ten for pain.)

I have to clean it with Q-tips twice a day (four Q-tips each time, sprayed down with a piercing spray - two for the inside, two for the outside) and change out my pillowcases (or sleep on a towel) every night for about a week. These things take between 3 and 8 months to heal because they're through cartilage.

Also, I didn't post what I wore for Impossible Astronaut Day. Here:

You can't see the details too well but I really like that suit. It's pinstriped and it has a waistcoat (of style) and everything. And that tie - I found that tie. It's too long on me but I like the colour.


I have a headache and we're talking about politics in school. That's really fun. (Please note: heavy sarcasm)

No, it's okay. I have a few people I agree with and at least one person that I kind of can't stand so that's about what I expected.

I'm going to take the weekend to relax and write and work on notes and extra credit and stuff like that. I'm kind of looking forward to not doing much for a few days. I have one chapter down on a book right now an I don't hate it so that's good.

I hope you're all doing well and I'll see you all soon.