
Long Day

I was only in school for three hours but... long day.

Usually FYE is kind of a throwaway class but today My Gal Friday decided to take us all on a nature walk. (The campus is very pretty, actually. There are trails everywhere.) Fine. We were out there for a good thirty minutes, I twisted both ankles, fell a total of four times and almost threw up at the end of it. And I mean like, sitting on the ground, gagging 'almost threw up'. My balance is shit.

So that was fun.

English was nice though. English was a break. I talked to Darrel. (I have two questions to answer for that class but that's it. Well, and stuff to read but, you know.)

Then Maths. And a test that I'd sort of forgotten about after that walk. I spent a good thirty minutes on it and it was only 16 problems though so I'm kind of cautiously optimistic. Well, I'm a nervous wreck like I am after... well, anything. And before anything. And during most things.


That was my day.

Now, I'm going to sit here and not move my right leg because I scratched it up and then probably get the questions (and maybe the grammar thing) done. That should leave me a little time to read and brush up on psych. Yay?

Bye for now, guys. I hope you had a better day.