I was only in school for three hours but... long day.
Usually FYE is kind of a throwaway class but today My Gal Friday decided to take us all on a nature walk. (The campus is very pretty, actually. There are trails everywhere.) Fine. We were out there for a good thirty minutes, I twisted both ankles, fell a total of four times and almost threw up at the end of it. And I mean like, sitting on the ground, gagging 'almost threw up'. My balance is shit.
So that was fun.
English was nice though. English was a break. I talked to Darrel. (I have two questions to answer for that class but that's it. Well, and stuff to read but, you know.)
Then Maths. And a test that I'd sort of forgotten about after that walk. I spent a good thirty minutes on it and it was only 16 problems though so I'm kind of cautiously optimistic. Well, I'm a nervous wreck like I am after... well, anything. And before anything. And during most things.
That was my day.
Now, I'm going to sit here and not move my right leg because I scratched it up and then probably get the questions (and maybe the grammar thing) done. That should leave me a little time to read and brush up on psych. Yay?
Bye for now, guys. I hope you had a better day.
The Nicknamer
My Gal Friday - FYE teacher
Supercuts - Maths teacher
Nametag - Psych teacher
Trouble - Old guy in my Maths/FYE class that I've kind of made friends with
And I'm sure there are others. And not all of those are positive.
In other news, what's due this week?
FYE - Actually, basically nothing. I can work ahead though. She did ask us to figure out our theme song... and bring in our favourite Shakespeare sonnet (and no, I'm not kidding). It's sonnet 64* by the way.
Psych - Reading modules 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 / Test on Thursday (1 hour - 50 questions)
English - Initial reactions on 'I Listen to My Parents And Wonder What They Believe' / First Draft of three-page essay due by Wednesday for peer review / Grammar diagnostic due on Friday
Maths - lol idk (We were supposed to have a test on Tuesday but that got pushed back to Wednesday because his other class is behind. So yeah.)
It's been a weird day. It feels like a Monday. I mean, it really does. I just... ugh.
My legs hurt, I'm very tired, I have no idea what to focus on for that essay and I really just need to calm down and sleep tonight and then get up and think it all through tomorrow. I have a longer day and two breaks so that gives me some time to work things out.
I'm probably going to get what little maths I have left done and then maybe kick around on tumblr until dinner. I just cannot focus on much right now.
I'm still writing but it's fewer than 1k a day now. I'm pretty sure that things will even out as I get more used to school but for now I'm just... I don't know, I'm tired a lot. Adjustment period and all that.
I found a crochet pattern for a TARDIS blanket though, so I'm hoping I can work on that once I have the proper yarn colours. Of course, I could personalise it, I guess. Pink, blue, and purple. Rainbow TARDIS?
IDK what I'm even saying anymore.
Yeah. Work, then maybe read or write, then food, then sleep. Really, I didn't go to sleep until about three last night and then I was awake again about every hour after that. Upside: I think I've discovered the exact level of tired I need to be to understand maths.
But I'm rambling. Bye for now, guys. Long day tomorrow. Hope you're all doing well.
*Sonnet 64 - William Shakespeare
When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced
The rich proud cost of outworn buried age;
When sometime lofty towers I see down-razed,
And brass eternal slave to mortal rage;
When I have seen the hungry ocean gain
Advantage on the kingdom of the shore,
And the firm soil win of the watery main,
Increasing store with loss, and loss with store;
When I have seen such interchange of state,
Or state itself confounded to decay;
Ruin hath taught me thus to ruminate
That Time will come and take my love away.
This thought is as a death which cannot choose
But weep to have that which it fears to lose.
Supercuts - Maths teacher
Nametag - Psych teacher
Trouble - Old guy in my Maths/FYE class that I've kind of made friends with
And I'm sure there are others. And not all of those are positive.
In other news, what's due this week?
FYE - Actually, basically nothing. I can work ahead though. She did ask us to figure out our theme song... and bring in our favourite Shakespeare sonnet (and no, I'm not kidding). It's sonnet 64* by the way.
Psych - Reading modules 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 / Test on Thursday (1 hour - 50 questions)
English - Initial reactions on 'I Listen to My Parents And Wonder What They Believe' / First Draft of three-page essay due by Wednesday for peer review / Grammar diagnostic due on Friday
Maths - lol idk (We were supposed to have a test on Tuesday but that got pushed back to Wednesday because his other class is behind. So yeah.)
It's been a weird day. It feels like a Monday. I mean, it really does. I just... ugh.
My legs hurt, I'm very tired, I have no idea what to focus on for that essay and I really just need to calm down and sleep tonight and then get up and think it all through tomorrow. I have a longer day and two breaks so that gives me some time to work things out.
I'm probably going to get what little maths I have left done and then maybe kick around on tumblr until dinner. I just cannot focus on much right now.
I'm still writing but it's fewer than 1k a day now. I'm pretty sure that things will even out as I get more used to school but for now I'm just... I don't know, I'm tired a lot. Adjustment period and all that.
I found a crochet pattern for a TARDIS blanket though, so I'm hoping I can work on that once I have the proper yarn colours. Of course, I could personalise it, I guess. Pink, blue, and purple. Rainbow TARDIS?
IDK what I'm even saying anymore.
Yeah. Work, then maybe read or write, then food, then sleep. Really, I didn't go to sleep until about three last night and then I was awake again about every hour after that. Upside: I think I've discovered the exact level of tired I need to be to understand maths.
But I'm rambling. Bye for now, guys. Long day tomorrow. Hope you're all doing well.
*Sonnet 64 - William Shakespeare
When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced
The rich proud cost of outworn buried age;
When sometime lofty towers I see down-razed,
And brass eternal slave to mortal rage;
When I have seen the hungry ocean gain
Advantage on the kingdom of the shore,
And the firm soil win of the watery main,
Increasing store with loss, and loss with store;
When I have seen such interchange of state,
Or state itself confounded to decay;
Ruin hath taught me thus to ruminate
That Time will come and take my love away.
This thought is as a death which cannot choose
But weep to have that which it fears to lose.
I... need a better schedule.
In order:
1) School
Monday/Wednesday - FYE, English, Maths
Tuesday/Thursday - FYE, break, Maths, break, two-hour Psych class
Friday - Maths
So. That's where that is.
I don't have as much free time as I'm used to and I'm tired a lot.
I've met some interesting people, though.
Here's what I'm thinking:
I'll go to bed early (maybe around nine or ten) and get up around five in the morning. I don't feel bad about getting up that early and it gives me time to take a shower or read or write before I have to go to school while still leaving me enough time in the afternoon/evening to get my homework out of the way. (So many equations, oh... *collapse*)
2) tumblr
New theme (as of 4/16/13) and I'm up to 63 followers. I kind of can't believe it. If you follow me and you read this, Thank You. I really can't explain how cool it is that strangers give a dang about me.
3) Writing
I need to be doing more of it.
For right now though, since it's getting late here, I think I'll take a shower, set my alarm and try to sleep. I have a longer day tomorrow so... yeah.
I will have a better life update... thing... later on. I just have too much going on right now, really. So much I want to read and write and make and do and I just feel really overwhelmed by basically everything.
But I get to take a small trip on Friday so yay!
Night, everyone. I hope you're all doing well this month.
1) School
Monday/Wednesday - FYE, English, Maths
Tuesday/Thursday - FYE, break, Maths, break, two-hour Psych class
Friday - Maths
So. That's where that is.
I don't have as much free time as I'm used to and I'm tired a lot.
I've met some interesting people, though.
Here's what I'm thinking:
I'll go to bed early (maybe around nine or ten) and get up around five in the morning. I don't feel bad about getting up that early and it gives me time to take a shower or read or write before I have to go to school while still leaving me enough time in the afternoon/evening to get my homework out of the way. (So many equations, oh... *collapse*)
2) tumblr
New theme (as of 4/16/13) and I'm up to 63 followers. I kind of can't believe it. If you follow me and you read this, Thank You. I really can't explain how cool it is that strangers give a dang about me.
3) Writing
I need to be doing more of it.
For right now though, since it's getting late here, I think I'll take a shower, set my alarm and try to sleep. I have a longer day tomorrow so... yeah.
I will have a better life update... thing... later on. I just have too much going on right now, really. So much I want to read and write and make and do and I just feel really overwhelmed by basically everything.
But I get to take a small trip on Friday so yay!
Night, everyone. I hope you're all doing well this month.
My English teacher paired us up today and we had to introduce each other and say what the other person's superpower would be. This was how he made sure we were all there today.
Aside from that, I think I figured out a schedule that I can work with. Of course, I'm still over-thinking almost everything but hey, that happens. I'll figure out when to think too much and when to stop thinking so much.
The kid next to me wanted to have super strength and be able to teleport so he could basically be Robin Hood. Teleporting Robin Hood.
That's just cool.
(For reference, I would also love to be able to teleport. And cryokinesis*.)
But. Aside from really needing to write, I think things are evening out. At least a little. I keep seeing a lot of crows around though. I like crows.
I have one book I'm working on and one thing I'm editing. I think that's a better mix than the 27 books and 4 editing jobs I was trying to do for a while there. Less is more sometimes.
So... I have things I can work on but nothing is due until about the 14th so that's nice. Psych tomorrow. It's a two-hour class so... yeah. Long day.
Anywho. I think I'm going to just try not to stress for a little while - watch my maths videos (they assign us videos - it's awesome) and read and try to formulate and intelligent response to a question posed in my English textbook. (Wow, that sounded uppity.)
So, I'm going to go and do that and then hopefully fall asleep sometime before midnight because my alarm is set for, like, 5 in the morning.
I'm adjusting. It's slow, but it's there.
* It basically means power over ice. I want to be able to drop the temperature and freeze things at will.
Aside from that, I think I figured out a schedule that I can work with. Of course, I'm still over-thinking almost everything but hey, that happens. I'll figure out when to think too much and when to stop thinking so much.
The kid next to me wanted to have super strength and be able to teleport so he could basically be Robin Hood. Teleporting Robin Hood.
That's just cool.
(For reference, I would also love to be able to teleport. And cryokinesis*.)
But. Aside from really needing to write, I think things are evening out. At least a little. I keep seeing a lot of crows around though. I like crows.
I have one book I'm working on and one thing I'm editing. I think that's a better mix than the 27 books and 4 editing jobs I was trying to do for a while there. Less is more sometimes.
So... I have things I can work on but nothing is due until about the 14th so that's nice. Psych tomorrow. It's a two-hour class so... yeah. Long day.
Anywho. I think I'm going to just try not to stress for a little while - watch my maths videos (they assign us videos - it's awesome) and read and try to formulate and intelligent response to a question posed in my English textbook. (Wow, that sounded uppity.)
So, I'm going to go and do that and then hopefully fall asleep sometime before midnight because my alarm is set for, like, 5 in the morning.
I'm adjusting. It's slow, but it's there.
* It basically means power over ice. I want to be able to drop the temperature and freeze things at will.
And that was my day.
FYE teacher is the good kind of nuts (the deadpan, 'It might be possessed' when talking about a malfunctioning projector, 'I have four cats and a lot of sarcastic t-shirts' kind of nuts).
English teacher is nice and laid-back and he looks like an English teacher so that's cool.
Maths teacher is okay too. (A kid in that class has my email because he's getting a study group together because we all suck at maths and that's why we're in that class.)
My head hurts and I'm too warm so I think I'm going to go upstairs, get my headphones and some paper and start in on the videos. I'm really hoping this won't take as long as I'm afraid it's going to.
College is rough, guys...
- Send FYE instructor a 'this is the name you should associate with this email account' email - Done.
- Send FYE teacher answer to question - Done.
- Pre-Course Assessment - Done.
- Learning Styles - Done.
- Draw a Map - Due the 18th. I want to do something interesting though. Make a pillow or something.
- Get online portion of English class set up (picture, screen name, etc.) - Done.
- Introduce yourself (I know you don't care - do it anyway.) - Done.
- Read the introduction of your English book - Will be done.
- Watch Maths videos - Will be done.
- Actually do your Maths work (It's just the odd-numbered problems... for five sections *headdesk*) - Will be done.
And that was my day.
FYE teacher is the good kind of nuts (the deadpan, 'It might be possessed' when talking about a malfunctioning projector, 'I have four cats and a lot of sarcastic t-shirts' kind of nuts).
English teacher is nice and laid-back and he looks like an English teacher so that's cool.
Maths teacher is okay too. (A kid in that class has my email because he's getting a study group together because we all suck at maths and that's why we're in that class.)
My head hurts and I'm too warm so I think I'm going to go upstairs, get my headphones and some paper and start in on the videos. I'm really hoping this won't take as long as I'm afraid it's going to.
College is rough, guys...
me being bored equates to me learning Gallifreyan.
I am a nerd.
I started playing around with a translator and then I got bored enough to actually start writing in it.
Now I miss screwing around with creating languages.
. . .
Okay, here it is: I'm freezing and I'm tired but I don't want to sleep because when I'm unconscious I don't realise how much time is passing and I only have one more day until school. And it's times like this that I give serious thought to committing myself because I clearly can't handle this whole 'life' thing.
So. Short update. I'll probably do another one once the anxiety has calmed down (Monday or Tuesday, maybe) but for now, this is all you're getting.
I am alive, I am very anxious, I am very tired.
And a lot of things need to change.
But for now, I'm going to go to sleep and then spend the day (hopefully) writing and editing and getting the site in order. I'm planning things again, you see. Good things.
Think of me, guys? I think I've got it figured out but I still feel a little lost... Hoping school will fix some of that, at least.
I am a nerd.
I started playing around with a translator and then I got bored enough to actually start writing in it.
Now I miss screwing around with creating languages.
. . .
Okay, here it is: I'm freezing and I'm tired but I don't want to sleep because when I'm unconscious I don't realise how much time is passing and I only have one more day until school. And it's times like this that I give serious thought to committing myself because I clearly can't handle this whole 'life' thing.
So. Short update. I'll probably do another one once the anxiety has calmed down (Monday or Tuesday, maybe) but for now, this is all you're getting.
I am alive, I am very anxious, I am very tired.
And a lot of things need to change.
But for now, I'm going to go to sleep and then spend the day (hopefully) writing and editing and getting the site in order. I'm planning things again, you see. Good things.
Think of me, guys? I think I've got it figured out but I still feel a little lost... Hoping school will fix some of that, at least.
Welcome to Camp
I just now realised A) what a bad idea it is to drink a bunch of coffee right before bed and B) that Camp NaNoWriMo and school start in the same month.
While I collect my thoughts on this matter, enjoy this picture of my desktop:
Does it not amaze you? (I have little Ginoza Nobuchika shimeji! Squee!)
A 'shimeji' is a 'desktop buddy'. They walk around and climb up your windows and multiply and be adorable and you can grab them with your mouse and fling them around. They'll stick to the sides of the windows and start climbing. So yeah. There's where a lot of my time has gone.
(Also, quick note: Blogger is being a douche with a capital bag right now so some of the links up top might not work. IDK what's going on but it's not really letting me do much. So.)
Anyway. It's the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo and I'll be working on a story that's been nagging at me so that should be both helpful and frustrating. School starts on the 8th so that's going to take some getting used to. At least it'll give me a little more structure.
I'm there from 9 in the morning to noon most days (well, except for Tuesdays and Thursdays when I have Psych (it gets out at three) and Fridays when I just have maths).
But. when all this is over with I'm thinking of going to Evergreen since they have this Visual and Media Arts thing there. It sounds like something I'd really love to study, honestly. I'm still planning on mortuary school, just not for a little while. It's a really restrictive job and... well, just not yet. Some day but not yet.
But yeah. Camp NaNo and 60 Followers on tumblr. Good day, really, all in all.
Just wanted to check in and say hi and all that. I might be more active or way less active depending on how life goes for the next little while but I am around and I am doing Camp NaNo and... that's about it. So, I'm going to go snag something to eat and then maybe try to actually work. (And I mean 'work' this time. I want to start getting things out there. I have so many stories just sitting around and... well, it's kind of making me sad.)
While I collect my thoughts on this matter, enjoy this picture of my desktop:
Does it not amaze you? (I have little Ginoza Nobuchika shimeji! Squee!)
A 'shimeji' is a 'desktop buddy'. They walk around and climb up your windows and multiply and be adorable and you can grab them with your mouse and fling them around. They'll stick to the sides of the windows and start climbing. So yeah. There's where a lot of my time has gone.
(Also, quick note: Blogger is being a douche with a capital bag right now so some of the links up top might not work. IDK what's going on but it's not really letting me do much. So.)
Anyway. It's the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo and I'll be working on a story that's been nagging at me so that should be both helpful and frustrating. School starts on the 8th so that's going to take some getting used to. At least it'll give me a little more structure.
I'm there from 9 in the morning to noon most days (well, except for Tuesdays and Thursdays when I have Psych (it gets out at three) and Fridays when I just have maths).
But. when all this is over with I'm thinking of going to Evergreen since they have this Visual and Media Arts thing there. It sounds like something I'd really love to study, honestly. I'm still planning on mortuary school, just not for a little while. It's a really restrictive job and... well, just not yet. Some day but not yet.
But yeah. Camp NaNo and 60 Followers on tumblr. Good day, really, all in all.
Just wanted to check in and say hi and all that. I might be more active or way less active depending on how life goes for the next little while but I am around and I am doing Camp NaNo and... that's about it. So, I'm going to go snag something to eat and then maybe try to actually work. (And I mean 'work' this time. I want to start getting things out there. I have so many stories just sitting around and... well, it's kind of making me sad.)
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