

My English teacher paired us up today and we had to introduce each other and say what the other person's superpower would be. This was how he made sure we were all there today.

Aside from that, I think I figured out a schedule that I can work with. Of course, I'm still over-thinking almost everything but hey, that happens. I'll figure out when to think too much and when to stop thinking so much.


The kid next to me wanted to have super strength and be able to teleport so he could basically be Robin Hood. Teleporting Robin Hood.

That's just cool.

(For reference, I would also love to be able to teleport. And cryokinesis*.)

But. Aside from really needing to write, I think things are evening out. At least a little. I keep seeing a lot of crows around though. I like crows.

I have one book I'm working on and one thing I'm editing. I think that's a better mix than the 27 books and 4 editing jobs I was trying to do for a while there. Less is more sometimes.

So... I have things I can work on but nothing is due until about the 14th so that's nice. Psych tomorrow. It's a two-hour class so... yeah. Long day.

Anywho. I think I'm going to just try not to stress for a little while - watch my maths videos (they assign us videos - it's awesome) and read and try to formulate and intelligent response to a question posed in my English textbook. (Wow, that sounded uppity.)

So, I'm going to go and do that and then hopefully fall asleep sometime before midnight because my alarm is set for, like, 5 in the morning.

I'm adjusting. It's slow, but it's there.

* It basically means power over ice. I want to be able to drop the temperature and freeze things at will.