In order:
1) School
Monday/Wednesday - FYE, English, Maths
Tuesday/Thursday - FYE, break, Maths, break, two-hour Psych class
Friday - Maths
So. That's where that is.
I don't have as much free time as I'm used to and I'm tired a lot.
I've met some interesting people, though.
Here's what I'm thinking:
I'll go to bed early (maybe around nine or ten) and get up around five in the morning. I don't feel bad about getting up that early and it gives me time to take a shower or read or write before I have to go to school while still leaving me enough time in the afternoon/evening to get my homework out of the way. (So many equations, oh... *collapse*)
2) tumblr
New theme (as of 4/16/13) and I'm up to 63 followers. I kind of can't believe it. If you follow me and you read this, Thank You. I really can't explain how cool it is that strangers give a dang about me.
3) Writing
I need to be doing more of it.
For right now though, since it's getting late here, I think I'll take a shower, set my alarm and try to sleep. I have a longer day tomorrow so... yeah.
I will have a better life update... thing... later on. I just have too much going on right now, really. So much I want to read and write and make and do and I just feel really overwhelmed by basically everything.
But I get to take a small trip on Friday so yay!
Night, everyone. I hope you're all doing well this month.