
JulNoWriMo Part 1 - Jezzy Sucks at Writing

She does. Or rather 'Jezzy Sucks at Writing on Schedule'.

Jezzy's also writing from a cabin by a lake and really wanting to go swimming even though it's night time. (Read: Jezzy's imagining she's in a cabin by a lake with the rest of writers in Camp because she's actually felling pretty bad and for some reason that triggers her speaking in third-person.)

She has close to 2,000 words done on both her projects and that's good at least. She's also hungry even though she just ate. And also there's the issue of her wanting to make props. Like, sci-fi props for no real reason other than coolness factor. But that would involve getting things (probably from Wal-Mart) and spending money she doesn't have on interlocking floor mats, heat guns and spray paint. So she probably won't be doing that.

Anywho... I think I need to pick a project for right now. When I feel myself slowing down or getting stuck, I'll switch because otherwise I'm just going to wind up bouncing back and forth for no real reason and not getting anything done. Plus I think I might need a new computer soon, which sucks because I really like my little Toshiba.

I want to study. I don't know why but I just really want to study... like I have a class or something. Maybe I have a writing class? *gasp* Maybe I have a writing class I have to keep up with while I'm at Camp. Maybe-Maybe there's a language class in there too. And it's a really progressive school, like a performing arts college that gives you your class list but you're pretty much responsible for everything not taught by an instructor at a set time, you know, since they can gauge your work ethic that way. (This is the way most of my ideas come to me, by the way. Enjoy your little peek into this process 'cause...it's a mess.) And-and there are only a few classes that have a set time since everyone works at their own pace.

Now is so not the time for new ideas but the New Idea Program is still running in the background so I might have to go and copy down the code real quick so I don't lose it.


Jezzy Sucks at Staying on Topic. *headdesk*