

I don't have a lot to say here.

I've been playing around with sites like jamendo to see if I can't make up a soundtrack for my projects. I spent a little while working on one for Faust and I found some really awesome stuff. It's fun but it's kind of a time-waster. I do have several tracks that sort of help me focus on it though, (Nick's Theme in particular) so I guess it's not all bad.

I'm mainly just typing because I'm really not feeling well (like the, 'nobody likes you anyway so why are you even bothering? All you ever do is screw up. I mean, I'm brilliant. It's just an objective fact but I hate you. It can't be for no reason. You must deserve it.' kind of not feeling well) and my roommate made me cry. I don't think she realised it though. For some reason what she said really hurt. I'm not even sure why.

Oh, well. It happens sometimes. I'm not mad about it or anything.

JulNo's going well, at least. If it stays like this, the finished product might wind up somewhere between 100 and 120k. So that's kind of awesome. There's more to the story than I thought there was and Mercedes is becoming a pretty cool character all around.

I have a sticky note on my desktop that just says 'Don't sleep. If you sleep, you lose.' It's kind of creepy, actually.

So, at 2:30 in the morning, I'm going to sit here, keep typing and try to make myself sick on potato chips. Hope you guys are having a better day.