
JulNoWriMo Part 2 - Jezzy Sucks at Camp NaNoWriMo

The official three coolest words in the English language right now for me are: Hip Hop Violin. If anyone reads this after 'Faust in Chains' is already out (that would be so awesome) and wondered what Nick's audition for Mellie might have sounded like here you go. As long as the video stays up, that is. If it's not there it's Josh Vietti 'cause he rocks.

That video is proof that YouTube can be a very valuable resource for writers in need. (The More You Know)

Also, I suck at Camp NaNoWriMo. My JulNo is a little ahead of schedule. My Camp WriMo is way behind. But it's not a problem. I'll catch up. After all... I am the pretty WriMo soldier Jezaret Addison, the soldier of love and creativity! And in the name of Sirius, the dog star, I'll win! (Author's note: She's been watching Sailor Moon again. Just go ahead and ignore this.)

There are fireworks going off every five second right outside my window meaning I have to keep stopping because it breaks my concentration. Thanks guys. Really. >.>

On top of all that, my roommates have the TV on in the living room loud enough that I can hear it in my room. I normally don't mind but right now it's really on my nerves. I'm on YouTube blasting 'Hell Frozen Rain' from Silent Hill to drown them out.

Also, as I'm writing this, the JulNo site is down and that makes me sad. Also my hands are freezing and that also makes me sad. A lot of things are making me sad right now, like my apparent inability to spell correctly. (Thank you, spell-check. ILU) So. I'm off to try and catch up on my other project and hopefully the friction from typing will keep the frostbite from destroying my fingers. Bai-bai.