
JulNoWriMo Part 3 - I Have Confidence

I have confidence in sunshine,
I have confidence in rain,
I have confidence that spring will come again,
Besides which, you see, I have confidence in me!

So, yeah. I'm a little peppy today. ^^

I've been writing, I'm about on pace with where I should be, I'm not freezing...it's a good day. (Well, not for Kevin. Because Kevin just got mauled by a Wall-Dog but that's another story.) JulNo is actually going well. I think the head of the company is probably either the Devil or an alien, I'm not sure which but she's an awful, awful woman. Nick might be going insane and Aiden is becoming a doormat but I think it'll all work out.

Camp NaNoWriMo is finally not giving me nearly as many fits. Things are starting to fall into place in both stories and I couldn't be happier about that. Nara is apparently more skilled at his job than I thought and Delany doesn't seem to pick on him as much as I thought she might. It doesn't seem to go much past the 'occasionally underestimating him because he's a male Security Agent which, in that world, is essentially a guy doing a 'girl's job'' thing. (Or maybe 'girl doing a 'guy's job'' would be more accurate for the kind of treatment he gets. With the females being the stronger socially of the main two genders, when the guys step into dangerous jobs like that, they tend to get picked on.) Kat is developing into a strong, curious and very independent spirit and (much like his father, Marion) I couldn't be happier for him ^^

I'm also kicking around a short story idea but I'm not sure how effective it'll be. I had a really messed up, depressing dream a few mights ago (after watching someone play Polybius - won't be doing that again 0_o) and I feel the need to write it down. I know I won't forget it but I'm not sure if it would read well as a story. Guess I could always try.

What else? I'm back on Last.FM, which is awesome. I'll probably be taking some time off (so far as that's possible during a WriMo) to work on my site which is coming along nicely.

Also, keep your eyes on your Twitter feeds for a special announcement sometime in the next little while. Pretty sure no one actually cares but it makes me feel important to announce it like it's a big deal. So yeah.

If you read this, you've just been Wri-Rolled. Go write a thousand words. Later, Ink-Slingers!