
This is my 30th post and I know you don't care but read it anyway.

I kind of just said everything in the title.

You know, this is how you can tell I finished a project early. I can't seem to stop typing. I somehow decided that it was a good idea to use a different project for Camp NaNoWriMo than I did for JulNoWriMo. So, clearly...I'm an idiot. This leaves me with 100,000 words total to write next month. Whut.

BUT on the up side, it gives me more material I can spend the next few months not revising.

I have so many ideas from sci-fi horror pseudo-boy's love to something from the 'Magical Boy' genre to things that really shouldn't see the light of day because they are likely to burn their eyes out since they've been locked in the basement for so long. Though most of these ideas are more of a 'sleep on it before you kill yourself' kind of thing. They're either going to drag on and on for me or they're gonna fly by and be awesome.

Either way, I have about 7 more hours until the bus to Camp (NaNoWriMo) gets here 8D. I'll really have to watch that I don't slack off on JulNo, though. My withdrawal symptoms are not pretty.

Well, I really need to start planning a little more so I'm gonna panic in the general direction of the Camp and then calm back down and try to work once midnight hits. (Just because I'm really weird, Camp feels like... well, going away to camp but still having classes (JulNo) to keep up with. It's kind of cool and makes me question my sanity at time. Oh, well. At least I'm enjoying my insanity ^^)