
JulNoWriMo Part 4 - Jezzy Sucks at Focusing

I do! I double do! *bounces* ^.^

Excuse the randomness of the following post. I just wrote about seven thousand words in about five hours.

I... have almost won one whole WriMo this month. Largely by way of typing away like a good little WriRat from midnight until about five freaking AM! My wrists hurt, my back aches and I can't feel my butt. >.>

However. That did push my total word count to just a little over 41,000, which is awesome. ^^ I also have a craving for cake for some weird reason or another. And cupcakes. I want cupcakes.

I think the whole write 1k and switch thing on the projects is gonna work out well. I've already gotten more done in the past few days than I did in the entire beginning of the month. I'm just hoping I can keep it up for a while.

To everyone out there (who bothers to read this) and thinks the whole 100k in one month thing is insane: You're right. But it's fun~ ^.^