
Pre-NaNo Freak Out

It's that time of year again~

Which means it's time for me to casually panic about a great many things that I suddenly don't feel like I have time for.

NaNoWriMo: You're gonna suffer... but you're gonna be happy about it.

So, here's how things stack up:

As you might already be aware, I have this stupid habit of planning to do things. These plans are usually very dumb and get scrapped quickly or else are very good and somehow don't work out because I still lack the follow-through needed to actually do them. I have no idea which camp, if either, this plan will fall into, I just know that I have made myself known in the overachiever's thread on the NaNo forums this year and I doubt there's a lot of going back from that.

  • Writing totem thing: My Sherlock fandom key ("I can open any door in my mind palace with this.")
  • Minimum Word Count Goal: 50k
  • Target Word Count Goal: 100k
  • Dream Word Count Goal: 300k
That's what's on the little slip shoved in the front of the binder for you.

*deep breath*

For right now though, just today, I have some money to make, an email to answer, a chapter to write, and then maybe some videos to watch and an outline to fight with.

But first, I really need to eat something because my stomach actually hurts and I'm getting obnoxious cravings for stuff I don't need.

Also, I just got really excited because an order I did for a client was approved. Being an adult is dumb. (Well, actually that little assignment paid me almost 80 dollars, so that's not that stupid a thing to be excited about, I guess.)