
Yet Another Blog Post

Because I have a lot to say, apparently.

First: I'm watching Markiplier play 'The Evil Within'. It seems like a really interesting game, with a lot of references to other games. The Chapter One CLEAR thing makes me think of Devil May Cry and that makes me happy. (It's a PS4 game though and I am no good on PC when it comes to survival horror.)

Second: I... kind of want to write this splatterpunk/maybe dark erotica thing and I'm not sure how to feel about that. I mean, I have a cover and a new direction and everything for the book I was planning to do. But I love the idea of this one... What do?

Maybe sleep on it? Sleep on it might be a good idea.

In fact:


It's now late tomorrow. I still want to do the splatterpunk thing. And I want to do the original thing I was planning on doing. The result is that November will probably make me want to fall in a hole and die but I still wanna do it.

I also need to look into Wordpress as a website (even though I hate the interface with a passion) since it doesn't have that stupid page limit like blogger does.

For right now, I need to just relax and plan so that everything that has to get done, gets done. Tomorrow, I'll be 22 and so I'm essentially taking the day off to hang out with family and just not worry about much.

So, I'm going to go away now, maybe down some coffee and try to figure out where exactly I need to go from here.

Bye for now, everyone~ Bye for now.