
I Think It's a Focus Issue.

Meaning I'll have to re-tool my meds.

Annoying but at least it should help me actually get things done around here.

Really, though, it makes sense. I'll start on something but then I'll get distracted about half a paragraph in and go do something else for half an hour. It's a bit like I just forget that I have anything to do at all. Which is very frustrating seeing as when I have my focus, I can fly through pretty much anything you throw at me. I mean, I even understand Homestuck.


You know how many breaks I took while writing that? About four. Ridiculous.

But, I have new meds for that now (which I start in the morning) and hopefully that coupled with my anti-dissociative will essentially kick this thing to the curb because I have stuff that I actually want to do. Like, finish reading the rest of the books I have earmarked to be read and then either added to my permanent, real-world shelf or else donated so someone else can read them. Like the copies of The Vampire Chronicles that Darling gave me, or the copy of Anna Karenina I just got today.

I was also considering making Minecraft maps of some of my main story locations (like, some of the main series cities) and making those available for download. I mean, yeah it would take forever, but personally I think it'd be really cool to be able to download a map made by the author and be able to basically just walk around in the world they must have seen in their head while they were writing. Then again, I'm a weirdo. And we all know it.

Oh, yeah, and I'll be taking a train trip in February~ First off, because a train trip in the snow? Are you kidding me? In what way is that not awesome? Secondly, because I get to see Darling for Valentine's Day which makes me very happy <3 We'll be staying with her and her family for a few days so that'll be an adventure, I'm sure.

I'm also sure that I had about a million other things I wanted to mention here, like 'I want to try to do the Goretober thing with Outlast short fics because it's hella good practice' but... well, I just said that and I can't really think of anything else. So. I guess that's really all for right now.

Although I did find this thing buried in a folder on my computer:

Begin, again, along the way
Through birdsong and fresh dried hay
Along the riverbanks and though
To bring the shoreline into view

Before the storm lies crashing waves
And the bitter wind which howls and saves
The high song of a meadowlark
On a distant shoreline, running dark

With the setting of a golden sun.

The rain, the grey, the mist, the cold
All things flow out from the fold
Of fluttered wings and echoed song
For such a place can do wrong.

I vaguely remember writing this a while back. *shrug* I don't know, I just think it's kind of pretty.

Bye for now, everyone~ I hope you all have a wonderful day/night/whatever and I will see you all again soon.