
'Day Nine' or 'How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love NaNoWriMo'

Really, things aren't so bad.

Well, financially, they're a little bad but that's only because I haven't been working. Everything else seems to be pretty decent.

See, messing up my sleep schedule hasn't helped me much, obviously. I was sort of hoping it would because then I'd be able to comfortably stay up all night and actually get things done. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case, as I have not gotten much done in the space of nine days.

Well, I've written over 20k but I have done exactly 0 in terms of paying work so... that's an issue. Good news is, I can easily pull down 5k in a day now and that means that I've gotten a lot faster than I was before, at least in terms of overall output. I'm glad about that. That'll help me later on.

Anything helps. Even half-finished things that you just throw in a trunk somewhere because you just can't make them work. Every page, you're better than you were a page ago.

That's how I'm trying to do things, anyway.

I've also been trying to keep a Little Red Writing Folder (TM... or whatever) that has all my completed projects and their word counts and junk so I can add things up. I'll probably put the total at the bottom of each page though, so I don't have to do unnecessary levels of math. Yeah. That sounds like something I would do.

Anyway, the story is actually hanging together a lot better than I thought it would. My serial killers really aren't bad guys - they're just big on medical and scientific progress. I guess. But they're a little patchwork family and I love them for it.

*knocks on anything even resembling wood*

I'm also going to try to be more observant with my life. I don't know how well this will work but it'd be nice, I'm pretty sure of that. I know I miss a lot of stuff.

I don't want to sleep but I always seem to give up around five in the morning. I really think that if I can stay up and wrench my sleep schedule back around, it'll really help my general productivity. I wonder if I watch a movie on YouTube or something, I could get past that initial 'I really want to sleep' thing. I always feel worse when I wake up.

I guess I could write until I'm starting to get tired and then take a shower and watch movies until the sun's up and I feel more awake. Maybe then I can focus on articles and junk since I'll feel a little more caught up (which is dumb because I'm way ahead of where I'm 'supposed' to be).



I have no idea if that will work or not but yeah... I might try that.

So... I'm going to go see if that works. Wish me luck? I'll probably check in again soon to ramble/complain about things.

Bye for now, everyone~ Bye for now.