

Really, life? Really, self? Really?

'I want to write.'
'I want to read.'
'I want to go to school.'
'I want to drive.'


It is after 1 in the morning and I'm up listening to pop-ish Romanian music. That should tell you everything you need to know about me.

Well, I'm also reading a webcomic and wanting to finish 'The Catcher in the Rye' so I can start reading the books that woman sent me for an editing job. (I kind of hate the formatting in the hard-copy but the writing itself isn't too bad, from what I've read.) That and all of the other books I have downstairs.

I'm jumping into AugNoWriMo again this year. I hope I can get a short story that I don't hate in the anthology this time. (I don't really despise the one from last year but... it wasn't my best.) I'm using the same main novel for both Camp NaNo and AugNo this year, so that should take some of the pressure off. I hope.

I have driving school this month. I'm not freaking out just yet but believe me, that's coming like a freight train.

And normal school starts on the 17th of September. (Normal school! Normal school! I get to go to normal school!) So, I'm a little freaked out. Just a little. Not too much. I have to go in on Monday(?) to talk to people and get things set up and all that happy crap. The placement test wasn't too awful, at least. I got a perfect score on the sentence structure part.

Now... I should probably be sleeping. We have to go to the home inspection tomorrow and I should probably be awake for that.

I'm starting to get slightly obsessed with JTHM again. That and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. So that's fun.

Bye for now, guys. I'm rambling and I should really get back to writing sometime soon. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm not dead ^^