
How Am I Not Screwed?


Do you know what I did today? I drove. Willingly. Just around a failing mall's parking lot but still. My turns don't even suck as bad as I thought they might. I could even park in the lines.

Also, I applied for a job on campus.

So, knowing all of that, I ask you this:

What. The hell. Is wrong with me?

I'm serious. I'm markedly not freaking out about this. Like, at all. So what the hell?

I mean, I'm glad. But why? I changed so much in the last little while...

I have a new book. Well, two actually. One is my actual Math textbook. For class. For college. Wow. The other one is called 'The Letter Q' and it's full of queer writer's letters to their younger selves. So that's cool.

I've also developed a love of frozen Kit-Kats. Seriously, try it. It's amazing.

Aside from everything about my outlook changing seemingly overnight, not much has been happening. So, yeah.

I think I'm either going to stay up way too late watching a very strange show I'm not even sure why I like or else writing. Either way, it should be fun ^^

Bye for now, guys. You'll get an update when and if I hear something.