
Writing Related Crap


Have you ever written something because of reasons because you can and then you realise that you don't typically write things like that and then you're weirded out and a little proud of yourself that you managed to do something decently even though it was out of your comfort zone?

Me neither. *awkward laugh*

No, really, that happened. Well, kind of since it's only part of a scene right now and I'm trying not to think too much about it while I'm typing - In fact I'm trying not to think too much about it in general, partially since it's not even in the project I'm meant to be working on.



I'm considering adding pages to this thing, making it a little more like a website. I'll still keep the informal blog, of course, so I can ramble at you guys but I'm not too sure what to do. I mean, if I had interviews and things like that then I could have a place for them but I don't. So... yeah.

Anyway, you might have noticed the blog title change (which really doesn't effect anything at all) and if you haven't, please to be noticing it now. *points*

In other news, this was really just a random update that I was hoping would help me get capital-s Something done. That plan has only marginally worked as I now want to do ALL THE THINGS! and it's really annoying me.

I think I'm going to go and try to get something constructive done, so if there are any changes to the blog in the next few hours or days, it's just me screwing around.

So, bye for now, guys. Bye for now~