
I'm Gonna Kill You

Yeah I'm gonna kill you
and all your loud-ass friends too
I don't think it'd be too much to ask
for you to be a bit less of an ass
If I don't get some peace and quiet
I'll put you on a strychnine diet
I'm usually a very peaceful person
but I'm gonna kill you.

-Hank Green, I'm Gonna Kill You

This verse kind of speaks to me because there are times when I also feel that I need to kill people who are too loud.


Good morning, guys and dolls~ It's Monday, February 13th and I should be writing!

Basically what I'm hoping happens today is that I can stay awake for at least most of the day (maybe go do fun stuff, maybe write about awful things happening and blond, goth guys in fake band t-shirts, not sure yet). I'm doing that because my sleep schedule is a little screwed up (which is to say that I am completely nocturnal) and that's starting to make me feel a little groggy and just ick so... yeah.

As for research, I need to look into: hacking, poisons, guns, knives, how to hide weapons in women's formal wear, assassination in general and various other things that could get me questioned by the FBI. Awesome.

That's the price I pay for interesting characters. I also managed to kill my headphones - well, ear buds, technically - so that sucks. One side still works, though, so I've been playing songs on YouTube for a while. Um... what? Oh, yeah.

There are a lot of things going on right now that I could comment on in a broader, social context (like the fact that the women Tweeting that Chris Brown could beat them anytime he wanted are a product of our society, not a cause or that the modern business industry values ruthlessness above all else) but I try to stay away from topics like that for the most part. This is largely because our own reality is very subjective. We can know only what our senses tell us and because of that, we are somewhat limited in our understanding of the world and the people around us. We make a habit of not thinking of others in complex terms, something that I've been having to do more and more in planning and attempting to be a storyteller.

I'm not saying it's right -  in fact, a lot of things in our society are very wrong - but it is a product of so many things about ourselves and about our perceived environment that it becomes increasingly difficult to pinpoint one thing that has caused everything else to derail. Personally, I think it's because there is no 'one thing'. It may be that instead of one thing causing the train to derail, it is instead many things causing the tracks to rust and twist and corrode to the point that even though the train can stay on them, the ride is neither safe nor smooth.

Of course this is all a digression for the light and informal nature of this blog (and for that, I apologise - even though it's my blog). Since I don't feel this is really the time for me to be rambling about complex sociological issues, I'm going to go back to the light and informal nature we're all used to for a while.

I'm worried about this theme. I mean, I like the basic look but I wonder if it could be more... me, somehow? I don't know.

*awkward laugh*

I'm almost twenty.

Holy crow.