
Official Diagnosis

Vexin Hypergraphia exacerbated by severe MSD (Multiple Story Disorder) with accompanying Sequel Syndrome. Shows signs of AADD (Author Attention Deficit Disorder). Currently on low-dose Jarador to control vocal outbursts and nervous ticking of the hands.

(This is what my brain does. Send help.)

Anyway. Time for random information about characters you currently don't care about.

I think I figured out why I love Carmen so much: He's a gorgeous, anti-social, bisexual, gender-variant assassin hacker. (Understand that there is no part of this sentence that I don't like.) Of course that 'ethical hacker' side of him results in me having to research hacking (which I still believe should just be called 'hacking' across the board) and that's making me nervous because he can at times cross over into 'hacktivist' territory.

In other news, I'm sitting here with a headache and a new piece of the plot for a new book. It makes my heart hurt and makes me want to cry to think about it so it's probably worth writing in.

Suffice it to say it contains a scene where the older-by-probably-at-least-four-years protagonist gets to look back at his best friend and, nearly crying, ask 'You were born after me... so why did you have to grow up before I did?'

(Knowing the context for the above, I am somewhat of a mess just from that.)

Anyway... I'm using that as a transition too much and I should probably try to do something that doesn't make me want to curl up in a dark room and cry for a while.

See ya~