
I can haz internet~!

After two days. Two days of no internet, no TV and no fridge.

But. Everything's okay now. Because my time-wasters are firmly back in place. But where to start...

Okay. So I just spent four days on the road and then another... three(?) unpacking my life from its cardboard containers. That's still nowhere near done, by the way. I have a lot of life, apparently.

But we're here, we're basically settled, we have a fridge - I think we're doing okay.

I was followed around and called pretty by one of the movers, including phrases like 'She's so tiny! She's tiny now!' (I have lost weight and I'm really freaking short but still.) This was tempered slightly by the fact that I was in town shopping with my mum and Grandma for most of the time they were there. Most of the remaining time was spent putting night stands together (bruising my hands in the process) and trying to keep said mover from happening to anyone.

That was all very odd. And it didn't help that beforehand the door on the big moving truck was jammed (by a table, I think) so all four of us had to go out and help open it. This resulted in my taking skin off of my knuckles when a suitcase decided it would be funny to slide down the door and trap my fingers.

The night before all of this was spent in a motel in town, eating what I could from McDonald's because it was closest and we were all tired. So we sat in the adjoining room with my grandparents and talked about things. Mainly writing things. I think my grandpa was surprised by how dark my writing was. But on the upside he seemed to be listening to me ramble. Yay~

We also learned the valuable lesson: Don't waste good pizza on trashy women. There's a story in there. But I'm not going to tell it.

Also, backwards chronology is backwards but I don't actually care.

So, Yay, update~! Now I'm going to go back to writing about slightly whorish, gender non-conforming assassins. Awesome.