
So far this year...

- I've talked to someone on tumblr whose writing I really admire... and she didn't tell me to go away!
- I've learned about non-Newtonian fluids.
- I've thrown up (sort of. It was more like gagging hard enough to bring up fluid but not really pieces of anything... I hope you weren't eating as you read this.) and am still a little scared to eat.
- I got to cheer someone up.
- Three writers from emotionally-twisted AU of a show I love followed me on tumblr (and I flipped out accordingly).

So been decent overall, I think. The spazzing and shrill fangirl screaming kind of made up for the sickness. But wow... really wow. I mean, these people write the way I want to be able to - they are honest, even when the material isn't comfortable in the least. I have a bad habit of staying in the box of what is socially acceptable and shying away from having anything really bad happen to characters, especially anything that would cause lasting damage. And I basically need to learn to tell stories how they're meant to be told.

But aside from that, this year has been pretty calm all in all... so far. We're only, what, four days in now?

Pointless update was kinda pointless but there you go.