
For now you may sleep the sleep of the just and the caught-up

And yea, for we are insane, endeavorth we will to complete this challenge yet again in all it's many incarnations. Those who cannot remain steadfast and strong of heart in the coming months will fall by the wayside. And our muses shall strike down our inner editors and cast them into the fiery pit. Distractions shall not be welcomed to the fold as they tweet and scream with abandon to the rafters. Thou gleeking dread-bolted popinjay! Yet again, thou enter my chamber with thine chirps and warbles, pulling me from my studies! Off with you! Off, I say! That thou may in fact be a blessing in disguise, I've no doubt. Yet I cannot allow thy music within my domain. Thy song disarms my actions and I can no longer move. Thou speak an infinite deal of nothing. Who is the muse between us? Not I, Madame. Not I.


I've lost my mind, haven't I? 0.o What was that? That was like a little Shakespearean rant.

BUT. I totally won WriDaNoJu, And that rocks. I pulled a 10k day and got done at about 1 in the AM. I still don't think I've fully recovered, if the above rant was any indication. Now I'm all high and geared up so I'm trying to plan out JulNo before it hits ('cause believe me, it's coming like a freight train). I also have the Clarion Write-A-Thon to do (which I lost the link to my page but it's a few entries back if you want to help out - and please help out if you can 'cause it's a really good organisation) so that just adds to the stress. And I love it.

I'm starting to think it is kind of an addiction. But a good addiction. ^^ In fact that was the main theme of the story I started to make up the word count after 'Praying for Death' came in at only 37,446.

I'll post up the 'WriMo Anatomy' steps for this month pretty soon but for now, I'll see you all later.