
My stomach hurts and I hate everything.

I do. Right now, I really truly do.

Blogger ticks me off, I'm behind on my word count and I kind of want to hurt someone. But I'll be fine. In a couple hours, I'll be right back to normal and probably have no memory of this event.

Just so you know:

My right ankle feels like it's going to give out whenever I walk.
I'm hungry but I don't really want to eat because of the stomach pain.
I kind of just want to curl up and cry.
I really want to sleep.
I can't sleep; I have writing to do.
I want to make a proper bracelet with a clasp, not just with the ends tied together.
I often find myself writing about things that should give me nightmares but don't.
Maybe the 'Queen of Hearts' should be a crossdresser. <-random moment

But while I might have to deal with this kind of crap in real life, I will not put up with it in the city of Ink-Slingaria! *sigh* So, now I'm going back to work. On what, I don't know, but something.