
On all kinds of things

First and foremost, WriDaNoJu.

Apparently, my project this month wants to be a novella. That's fine; I can totally respect that. Things is, it didn't tell me this until about a little more than halfway through the month. So. I'm now having to scramble to make up the word count I will almost surely lack on the other stories that will most likely wind up in the collection that 'Praying for Death' with likely take up a large section of. Speaking of...

I'm moving back through the ranks basically. I'm doing short stories again and unfortunately, they're very fun. I have several I want to do, mainly horror/sci-fi/mystery/LGBT stuff. Now it's just finding the time to write them.

JulNoWriMo will see me try for a full novel but I can't be sure how successful I'll be. Well, I might get to the word count but once everything's edited down, I'm not sure it will wind up over the cut off word count for a novel. I think that one really deserves to be, though. It's very Faustian and I think it would work well as a long-form narrative. But that's just me.

I've picked up links to a few markets I think might be worth submitting to so wish me luck there. I've never done that before so it'll be an experience. They're mainly magazines but there are a few print markets and publishers that might be a good fit. I don't know what I'm going to wind up doing, really.

Also, chain books. For people who don't know what chain books are, it means that one person writes the first chapter, the next person writes the second chapter and so on and so forth until the end. They look insanely fun.

Not sure what I'll do with Wattpad but I'll leave it up for a while until I decide.

Well, right now, I'm still a little behind on the word count front and I just got hit with the Story Idea Brick so Ink-Slingaria I'll see you later.