
Another 2 AM

I feel like I've used that title before. Anyway.

Have a lot of tears:

'A Letter To Zachary'. It's a really, really good documentary but it's so painful.

I think tonight will be spent listening to Markiplier to cheer myself back up and writing because I need to write a lot more than I do. I need to be kicking so much more ass than I actually am. I totes mcscrotes need to be more awesome. (I'm sorry, I'm sad and I just wanted to use that phrase.)

Basically, this was just because I felt like I needed to update. School only has a couple of weeks left and I am very, very glad. So...

Bye for now, people. I am still alive, I'm just not updating much because we'll be moving soon and that's stressful. But, yeah, I'm still around.


Creativity = insanity + talent.

I've been working on the website... all the - *bricked in the head* Why? Why? I hate that song!

No, yeah, I'm actually doing a... a thing with my writing... and some other people's writing. And it's gonna be awesome. But first I have to get through school.

I have about three and a half weeks left and then a six week break (at least, I think it's six weeks) which is really good because I've have bitten my nails down to the point where they bleed and that's just not good at all. Speaking of, I have things to read for that.

I drank a bunch of coffee and now I want to dance and I'm kind of nervous about the world.

And DashCon. I'm nervous about DashCon, too but in that excited way. (If you don't know about DashCon, look it up because it is amazing.) I want to be a total geek and learn the Hare Hare Yukai dance to do with a friend of mine because GEEKS~!

For right now, though, I have things to read and questions to answer, which sort of brings us full circle. So. Bye for now. Expect progress meters to be put up pretty soon - likely without titles because I like keeping the mystery going - and... yeah. 

Have an awesome day~


I'm all fired up so here, have some videos

[Operation: Awake The Masses]

The phrasing might not have been what I would have chosen in some spots but the core message is basically one I agree with. Lately, I've been feeling like I'm just running on this wheel and getting nowhere. Maybe this is why - or at least a part of why. I'm sick of the world as it is. I realise that America is not all bad and that there are a lot of good things about this country and there are places that are much worse but that doesn't mean that I should be expected to be quiet about the things that piss me off about the way the country is run.

It is the right of the American public to use any and all tools available to them to protest the tyrannical reign of their current government and its corporate masters. To abandon this right is to abandon hope.

So, in the spirit of that:

Above: A short documentary on cyber-security and London's CCTV cameras.

And an interesting one about where we might be headed as a nation. It feels a little Hollywood in spots but it's an interesting if frightening future to consider, even in passing.

And this one, probably my favourite of the group. It's about a year old but still really solid. Six parts. Take notes.

Honestly, I could write a book on things this. Easily. And I might but it would take a while and a lot of research. For now, say 'hi' to the 'activist/blogger/author' hybrid I'm (currently) hoping to be.

Have a link to music: [Vox Populi: Songs To Overthrow Oppressive Regimes To]



DashCon, people!




This thing. This thing right here.

It's basically tumblrCon and it's in 2014 and the tickets/trip can be my birthday present. I won't ask for anything else - I'm not kidding.

Just wanted to put that out there.

*sigh* Okay...

I still have to read my Philosophy extracts, read my English assignments, post to the boards, edit the next chapter of Twelfth Generation, get as far in Maths as I can, finish reading 'The Smithsonian Institution', and write for Camp NaNoWriMo.


I think I'm just going to answer my messages and then try to go to sleep. Get up and work in the morning, when I'm (hopefully) feeling a little less achy and stabby.


I've been thinking

Not very hard, but... I have way too many blogs on here that I'm just not using. I mean, I have about 60 that I'm pretty sure I'm never going to do anything with.

I don't know what's going on right now, I just - I have to do something.

School starts today. So does Camp NaNoWriMo. So that means that I have things to read and write and keep up with. Part of me feels like this is just an unstable year - where things are just strange and you start to figure things out but you can't quite put it into words or action just yet.

I have a story that I've been 'editing' - and I use that term lightly - for months now and that's really going nowhere because I'm sick of looking at it. I have no idea what I want to do with my site - you know, the one that I've been re-working for the past, what, year? Year and a half? Maybe more than that? I don't even know anymore.

My head hurts.

For right now, I think I'm going to get something to eat and go sign into the maths lab thing so I don't fall behind. That's one thing I'll really have to watch about having a semester online - I tend to put things off instead of getting them done early. Which is very annoying because I want to be the type of person who has everything done yesterday.


Bye for now, everyone~ I'll see you again soon.