
I've been thinking

Not very hard, but... I have way too many blogs on here that I'm just not using. I mean, I have about 60 that I'm pretty sure I'm never going to do anything with.

I don't know what's going on right now, I just - I have to do something.

School starts today. So does Camp NaNoWriMo. So that means that I have things to read and write and keep up with. Part of me feels like this is just an unstable year - where things are just strange and you start to figure things out but you can't quite put it into words or action just yet.

I have a story that I've been 'editing' - and I use that term lightly - for months now and that's really going nowhere because I'm sick of looking at it. I have no idea what I want to do with my site - you know, the one that I've been re-working for the past, what, year? Year and a half? Maybe more than that? I don't even know anymore.

My head hurts.

For right now, I think I'm going to get something to eat and go sign into the maths lab thing so I don't fall behind. That's one thing I'll really have to watch about having a semester online - I tend to put things off instead of getting them done early. Which is very annoying because I want to be the type of person who has everything done yesterday.


Bye for now, everyone~ I'll see you again soon.