
I'm Awake

This is kind of a problem seeing as it's around 5 in the morning.

Really quickly:

I'm on Wattpad. You can find the widget in the sidebar. I'm slowly getting things edited and I have collected a follower, amazingly.

I went to the Goodwill and came back with clothes and shoes and books and it was a very good trip ^^ I found the third Harry Potter book, The Uglies, The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night-time, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone. And pinstriped things. Lots and lots of pinstripes. So, yeah, good trip. (Although my brain decided to make me laugh in the dressing room by saying "I'll be right out - I just want to see how my girl-goods look in ruffles." My brain is odd.)

Camp NaNoWriMo starts soon (on the same day as my next semester). I have an idea I would dearly love to do - I even have a beta-reader for it - but I'm really just hoping that I have the time.

For right now though, this has been an 'I'm still alive' update. I will probably try to sleep here pretty soon since the coffee's starting to wear off a little. I'll check back in soon~



This post has lists. Also, I managed to get my old theme back, which is kinda great because I like it.

For tonight:

- Re-watch 'Tiger and Bunny' (Why: FEELINGS)
- Work on website
- Read
- Reply to RP posts

Things I need:

- A good, workable plan that I actually stick to
- More confidence in myself
- A good workout routine
- A space that is completely mine and feels like mine
- A binder (because biogirl + big boobs + gender weirdness = ??? Also for cosplay.)
- A good Japanese language course

Things I want eventually/as I can:

- Coloured jeans
- Striped shirts
- Pinstriped suits
- Scarves
- Killer heels
- Good men's dress shoes
- Corsets
- A good lingerie set or two (because I can)
- A good mix of underwear

I have so many ideas in my head for the house, I can't even function right now. I'm thinking, attitudes are affected by the way we act so all I have to do is keep up the act of being the greatest thing on two legs and, well, maybe it'll start to be a little true as time goes on.

Gah, I wanna go work on the house but it's not even ours yet. *headdesk* Okay. I'm just gonna sit up and work tonight. Finals are over (and I got a 90 on my last Psych test so, yeah). So glad that's over for right now. I have a little break and then 20 credit hours over the summer. I think I'm gonna try to work ahead a little once the online classrooms open up.


Anyway. That's where that is. I'm way too full of nachos so I'm gonna curl up and watch TV for a little while and then curl up in bed and write until I get too tired to sting sentences together. I get to sleep in in the morning \(^o^)/

Bye for now, everyone~ Bye for now.


I have books

Well, I always have books but now I have school books:

English Comp II



and Sociology:

So... yeah. All this is crammed into about eight weeks of online courses.

That's... yeah.

I know I'll be fine but that's 20 credit hours right there.


I think I'm going to get that paper done - Crew Cut (meaning my English teacher - he cut his hair recently because he got tired of combing it) gave me an interesting idea: What is the separation between our authentic self and the self created to fit with mainstream society? In addition, to what degree are we in control of our authentic self?

Thing is, I only have five pages. I'm not sure I can answer that in five pages. Plus I'm tying it in with a 1999 study of how action figures have changed over the years and how that may be contributing to the rates of eating disorders in men, so I have to choose my quotes pretty carefully so it doesn't come off as too clinical.

And this is due by noon tomorrow.

If anyone is bracing to go to college, pay attention to this. This is will be your life soon.

And that was creepier than it needed to be. Moving on...

I will try to do Camp NaNoWriMo next month since school will be out of the way for a while but I haven't been writing much lately. This annoys me greatly.

So. I'm going to go down some coffee, get that done, and then maybe plan or write a little. I just have too much stuff in my head right now, I think. I'm just trying to plan for too much.

Back to work.... Bye for now~


New Theme

Because the old one was being stupid.


I found a TARDIS blue balloon today. Just found it. Random TARDIS balloon.

And there's a movie called 'Funny Games' that I might want to watch. But that's completely random information, really.

So. Here is a list:

- Finish blog post
- Reply to RP post
- Work on final essay for English
- Listen to a couple of mixes on 8Tracks
- Watch slenderseries on YouTube
- Read

Not too bad, right?

I'm thinking of taking the weekend and getting that paper done and that way I can leave it alone for a day or so, edit, then turn it in (no revision opportunity on this one).

I'm going to try to come up with a better post explaining everything here pretty soon but for now, I'm not dead! YAY~!

I'll see you soon (hopefully with a plan).


I should be writing.

Iced coffee and smoke
And the words that she wrote
That's what gloomy days are made of.

So I'm feeling strange lately. I really should be working (writing) because I feel so much better when I do.

But I can't seem to.

I have a paper due soon. Can't focus. It'll get done - because it has to - but I can't focus. At least I have a rough idea of where I'm going with it. That's more than I had a while ago.

It shouldn't take me too long to get it done. Even if I fly through the first draft, I should have a decent stretch of time to fix it. My second essay got me a 91.6 and that was essentially a first draft so I think I'll be fine if I don't just put in pointless fluff to fill space.

On top of all that, I'm kind of, sort of learning Japanese again. I say 'again' because I knew a little before but I had no one to speak it with so I kind of quit. Not this time!

(I am just having fits with this right now. I think I'm just gonna free associate and tie it all together later. That usually works pretty well. As long as it's done by the final due date, I'm not going to worry about it. I over-think and I worry too much. I know there's a balance in there, I just have to find it.)

I might want to go overseas after all. I mean, when am I going to get to do that again? Even if it's not as high on my list anymore, it's still a good experience and Evergreen has so many places - it's really just insane. I don't know - I'll think about it. (I'll admit, part of the reason I want to go is so I can use the tag 'prague blogging' at least once. But that's beside the point.)

I'm not sure how to say it. Things are just weird right now. Change.

Everything will probably click here pretty soon. Things usually do around this time. It's like I can feel it coming on now just because it's happened so much.

Well. It's late and I still have to take down a few notes for maths tomorrow. So. Bye for now, guys and girls... or whatever.




I found this on my hand today:

IDK but there it is.

It was on my maths notes too. I don't remember drawing it, though. 'Course I've been a little out of it lately so I probably shouldn't freak out too much. My memory has never been great for most things.


I'm starting on JuNoWriMo, finally, and that means research. Specifically on the city of St. Louis. Why? That's classified.

But I'll probably be complaining on Twitter pretty soon, so watch out for that. I'll be taking notes for this one. Really, I should have been taking story notes all along, for every project but of course, that totally didn't happen.

I guess I'm just getting tired of myself. The thing is, around this time of night, I feel completely different. Either very good and like I could handle anything or very bad and like I might break.

Either way, I'm not sure what to do with it. I feel... conflicted. Like I'm not doing something right or like something's been changed with my knowing about it. I need to clean things out and reorganise but I kind of can't until we can get moved. At least I have an idea though. That's more than I had a while ago.

Home inspection tomorrow. At least then that'll be out of the way.

I hope things even out soon. I mean, they are better, but I think I was hoping for a little too much all at once when I started feeling better for longer than a few hours at a time. I'm sure I'll get back to where I can function at a somewhat normal level but for now, I'm going to keep my head down and muddle through. Things will clear up. They always do if you keep moving.

So. It's late but I'm going to go work on things until I actually feel tired.

Goodnight, everyone~