

I found this on my hand today:

IDK but there it is.

It was on my maths notes too. I don't remember drawing it, though. 'Course I've been a little out of it lately so I probably shouldn't freak out too much. My memory has never been great for most things.


I'm starting on JuNoWriMo, finally, and that means research. Specifically on the city of St. Louis. Why? That's classified.

But I'll probably be complaining on Twitter pretty soon, so watch out for that. I'll be taking notes for this one. Really, I should have been taking story notes all along, for every project but of course, that totally didn't happen.

I guess I'm just getting tired of myself. The thing is, around this time of night, I feel completely different. Either very good and like I could handle anything or very bad and like I might break.

Either way, I'm not sure what to do with it. I feel... conflicted. Like I'm not doing something right or like something's been changed with my knowing about it. I need to clean things out and reorganise but I kind of can't until we can get moved. At least I have an idea though. That's more than I had a while ago.

Home inspection tomorrow. At least then that'll be out of the way.

I hope things even out soon. I mean, they are better, but I think I was hoping for a little too much all at once when I started feeling better for longer than a few hours at a time. I'm sure I'll get back to where I can function at a somewhat normal level but for now, I'm going to keep my head down and muddle through. Things will clear up. They always do if you keep moving.

So. It's late but I'm going to go work on things until I actually feel tired.

Goodnight, everyone~