
I feel strange in this area of the country.

That isn't a bad thing at all - I just feel different.

I want to do things.
I get annoyed easier but it also fades out quicker.
My tastes have changed.

Things are just different.

I'm not really sure how to explain it but... well... since I've been up here, I've lost a lot of that strange sense of anxiety when I'm in public. I've noticed that if I just calm down and observe, I'm much less apt to feel that way.

I've also noticed something.

I have no follow through.

I say that it would be interesting to learn or do something, I might get a little into it but then I tend to drop it like a hot rock. Now. How do I fix it?


I have no idea. And therein lies the problem.

But, for now, I think I'm going to focus on getting my space in order. I have a desk to put together, books to read, as well as finally getting a place to store my clothes so they don't wrinkle, not to mention the fact that school is getting closer and I'll need books, and then there's the Timberland Winter Lecture Series at the library and oh, dear God, I'm Frasier Crane!

All that aside, things are better up here, I think.

(Off-screen: Yes, yes, thank you for your input. ...Yeah, all right, no, I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to block you - you're pissing me off. *clicks 'ignore'* Where was I?)

So, since this was somewhat pointless, I'll try to make up for it with a more purpose-driven post... sometime in the future. For right now, I think I might curl up and write or read or do something quiet. That sounds like a good plan.

Bye for now, guys. I'll see you all... probably when I start spazzing about school.