
Let's Play 'Writer's Life' - Part 1 - HIP-HOP ZOMBIES!

Yes, Hip-Hop Zombies - just one of the many things that have appeared in my notebook over the course of the past few days. They are apparently good at graffiti.

I think having this set up in parts, at least for a little while, will keep me a little more organised. It also gives you guys some idea about a part of the rambling the post will likely contain.

This time, I actually don't have much to say about Hip-Hop Zombies but the title is going to stay because it got your attention. Those titles will change based on what's going on, too, so you'll have a better idea.

It's Barnaby Brooks Jr.'s birthday tomorrow so in honor of that I'm making the pink cupcakes first. (Yeah. I'm totally celebrating a fictional character's birthday. Why not?)

I'm actually playing around mentally with the whole 'write like you talk' thing. I mean, I read through 'The Name of the Star' and it just seems... natural. I need to get there, I think. Stop worrying about sounding like a writer and just write. Of course that's way easier said than done.

This was really just a quick introduction post-thing before my life completely explodes. There's NaNoWriMo, the craft festival, people coming for the holidays... It's gonna be fun. And I'll be here to spazz and complain all the way through.

So I have about 5k left to do today and then I can go do what ever I want to for a while. This will probably involve watching Tiger and Bunny.

Now, I'm going to go back to work where I can hopefully stop hearing zombie hip-hop music in my head. It's... catchy. 0.o Makes me want to dance.