
I just realised I write really long blog posts.

And I'm unapologetic about that fact.

Also, I'm really getting sentimental. Like insanely, sitting-here-crying sentimental over Harry Potter. More than that, I'm remembering when I used to read. Well, that's not quite right... I'm remembering when I used to not be afraid to jump into a new world. I want to get that magic back again...

I want the series I've just been playing with until now to recapture it. I want it to be something that, from the very beginning, dug its claws into your heart and mind and did not let go. And that is what I will strive for in every work I put my name on, from here on out. It will be nothing but my best... because anything less is not me.

So that's where my mind is at this un-Godly (for me) hour. It's like 8 in the morning and I'm considering just staying up today and working on my GothNo project considering I'm... rather behind.

And because of all of that, I fear I may have to spend the inaugural month of GothNoWriYe lurking on the boards as I edit in my writer's cage - which I'm thinking of making an actual thing once I get moved across the country...again.

Have I been working these past few days? Yes. Have I been working as hard as I should have been? No. And that is the problem. I have not been writing, I've been watching 'Tiger and Bunny', a show which I completely adore. (Barnaby Brooks Jr. is just... Wow. *fangirl*)

I have no discipline.

But I'm hoping to fix that. I really am. I'm sort of in a mood to do something awesome and I'm really hoping it lasts.

The lighter cupcakes are done at least. I can't see my desk because there's about 60 of them sitting there now. They're cute though - they're all fat and happy and yellow, white, blue and pink. But I'm actually really glad I can take a break from it for a day or so. I need to get back into the Gothic/Sci-Fi world I had for GothNo this year. It's a pretty awesome place.

I have a 6-page Word document filled with notes and titles and snatches of scenes. Why? Because I made the mistake of reading the 'Adopt A Title' thread on the NaNoWriMo forums. That place is a plot bunny breeding ground and I now have enough ideas to last for... a while, let's just put it that way.

I get the feeling I could be really dangerous if I'd just stop getting distracted by everything. I mean, I want to do something grand. I really do. I just have to jump in.

I'm thinking I might read back through this blog and see if I made any sense in any of these posts. That's probably a bad idea, isn't it? *goes to do it anyway*

Yeah... I lol'd and noticed a few typos. And lol'd at the typos, so we're all good. But I actually made myself laugh... that's so weird. 0.o

I'm gonna get back to what I should have been working on all month now. See ya~!