

am officially 19 years old.


And right now I'm listening to this which is so nice, I can't even... I miss rain. I <3 this site.

So what happened? Well, mum and I went to the Gulfarium in town so I got to see the dolphins. I love dolphins - they're so rubbery. Oh, and a bird walked on my arm. It was a cockatoo - one of those big white birds with the yellow feathers on its head. His name was Chester. He walked up and down my arm, turned his head WAY sideways and said hello a couple of times. Cute~

We just killed some time at the mall after that (I got a cherry Icee and a big ol' pretzel). And I got Maureen Johnson's 'The Name of The Star' and I spazzed a little. Oh, and this:

With this inside:

If you can't tell, I'm totally the first story in there. (I know it's alphabetical - I don't care.) It has some minor formatting problems and I'm not sure it's really my best work but I still love it beyond reason, so I think we're good ^^

My crafts are stressing me out. I've been wearing a bandage so much when I crochet that even five cupcakes (just the frosting) and I'm taking skin off my fingers. Ick. But I will press on. Because I have to get these freaking things done before the festival.

I've also been killing time with a sledgehammer on tumblr. Which is not good considering I have plot bunnies to take care of. And my editorial fox is pacing his cage, waiting for December. (It's okay, Vulpes. I'll take you out of there soon, honey.)

Yes, I totally did just type-talk to a figment of my deranged imagination. Moving on...

I hate to say this here, where everything's kind of random and informal but I think I'm slowly figuring myself out. And that, my friends, is a wonderful feeling. What I haven't figured out yet is what to do with my site. I mean, I kind of like it as-is but I'm wondering if breaking things up by genre might be easier. Of course then what about cross-genre or things I can't catagorise? I don't know. I'll figure it out eventually. There's also this blog right here. I'm wondering about the theme. (I'll probably keep it - I'm just wondering about it.)

This is going to be a long post, I think.

I made a new friend. (Well, kind of. She's an internet writer friend.) But we met at GothNo and we've been talking over at deviantArt. So that's awesome. I like friends like that.

Speaking of GothNo... I love it. And I'm having trouble deciding what my proof copy for NaNo should be - my GothNo project or my actual NaNo project. Both are just so awesome (and I'm really using that word a lot, aren't I?) that I can't really pick. GothNo is so dark though... Oh well. It's a ways away still anyway.

My tattoo is healing and it itches like crazy. So yeah. I'm typing mainly so I don't scratch.

Before this rambles into a wall, I think I'm going to go and try to work a little more. I need to catch up my word count, catch up my crafts and try to plan a little for NaNo.

Bye for now, guys and girls~