

so that's just not gonna work.

I have a better idea:
  • Focus on the few sites that pay when the article is turned in (I only have one right now, I think but I'll have to check) and less on the revenue share stuff
  • Focus mostly on ghostwriting stuff and then on editing and then on writing my own stuff.
That should fix a lot of my general stupidity about my scheduling.

I started reading a book by Bill Campbell called 'Sunshine Patriots' and I'm not that far in just yet but I am just in love with the world he's set up here (I mean, it's a functionally terrible place but the worldbuilding is so on-point.) I'm actually looking forward to the rest of this one, and I don't say that often.

Honestly, most of the reason I don't blog about the books I read is that most of them just fail to really impress me overall. There's nothing wrong with them (usually) but they're pretty middle of the road, most of them. And that to me is very sad. I really think reading as much fanfiction as I do has sort of ruined me for mainstream media. I mean, when are you going to find a well-plotted queer android romance or a book about polyamorous spies in the mainstream book pool? Probably never, at least in the current market climate.

But that's not why I'm here.

Part of the reason I'm here is that I have more Minecraft screenshots. Because why not?

This is a place called 'Charlie's'. It's a little pizza place across from The Palace Hotel and right across the street from Witherow. Ol' Charlie knows his locations, one could say.

(Bricks look very odd in the texture pack.)

See? There's the sign.

Interior shot because it has benches and stuff. And you can actually see though the windows and all that. IDK man, I just like this place - it's cozy.

Price list over the main counter. I couldn't do floating signs, so I placed half slabs on the ceiling and attached the signs to the edge of the slabs. You can see the kitchen back behind them.

The kitchen. A sink, two ovens and a few cutting boards. Charlie's is a small place but their prices are right and they do a good amount of business since they're in such a great location.

This is the apartment Charlie rents out sometimes. It's usually occupied by his main cook but that's not a hard-and-fast rule of his.

It's really a very spacious place for the money. If you don't mind the whole place smelling faintly like pizza from the shop below, it'd be a good find.

It's right across the street from the luxurious Palace Hotel and Casino:

It's a beautiful place, especially for out-of-towners. The ground floor is a casino, so there's a little something for everyone here.

A shot from down the street at night.

Daylight gives a slightly better sense of scale.

Understated front entrance leads to the casino on the main floor.

Just inside the doors. The elevators are against the back wall and the two sides of the room mirror one another - each with a water feature, roulette table, poker/blackjack table, and several slot machines.

Gorgeous redstone lighting illuminates the space.

The main desk on the ground floor. Room keys and poker chips are picked up here.

So that's where I am with that right now. I'm working on the second floor where the rooms start but that requires slowly becoming an expert in redstone wiring so... yeah.

Oh, also, before I forget: I have jumped off of the ledge and started reading a webcomic called 'Homestuck'. It is... odd. BUT. It's also pretty fun so I think I'll just hang out on this train and see where it takes me. I'm through Act I already.

I'll probably keep you all updated (whether you want to be or not) on these various goings on so you have that to look forward to. For now, I think I'll either fall on my face and pass out, watch pointless YouTube videos, work on this massive build I've started, or maybe just read more Homestuck. I don't even know right now. Most things in my life fall under the heading of 'I don't even know right now', currently.

I'm trying to be very Zen about it.

Bye for now, everyone~ Bye for now.