
I am an Adult. Also, What Kind of Name is 'Sherlock' Anyway?

These are the types of questions that come to me while I'm supposed to be planning something else.

Also, I've been throwing up lately. Well, not a lot - just a little. Like just once so far this year. Because of a bad headache that resulted from crying. Because that is a thing that happens quite a bit.

Aside from that, I've had a thought: I need to do things. Doing things is good and doing things for a while makes me want to continue doing things. The problem is that I seem to realise this several times a year and the proceed to do absolutely nothing about it. This is an issue for a wide verity of reasons, the most immediate of which is that it makes me hate myself.

So I'm thinking this should probably be the year of goals and, you know, getting rid of that mentality. I don't want to be all ~POSITIVITY~ all the time because that's A) not realistic and B) really, really annoying. But. I've been working out a little and that seems to be helping more than I thought it would. I changed my tumblr blog theme (and I like it - I even have a custom cursor (I've never had one before) so that's cool too). and really, things could be a lot worse than they are. I still need to sit down and really memorise my Latin (and stop saying 'really' so much) and I still need to read chapters one and two for chemistry. And I have algebra to do. But it'll get done.

That's another thing I need to get through my head: I don't have to work as fast as I can on everything - I just have to work consistently and things will get done.

And that it's okay if I don't sleep or don't sleep much some nights. It's okay if I over-eat for a day or so here and there - it does not mean that I'm weak or a terrible person. Same with writing. Just breathe and do what you can and it will get done.

But yeah, I've been through two workouts now (50 minutes and 60 minutes) and I can do more than I thought I'd be able to so that's pretty good to know. I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was.

[On a completely random note, never try to correct your autocorrect because things like this happen (not mine but found it hilarious) 'We hop' 'We hopping' 'We home' 'Wawa skittletits' 'WE HOPE']

And since this one post has taken me far, far too long to write, here:

Daft Punk songs - no instruments. It's more than a little insane. (I've been meaning to post this video up so my mum could see it but I kept forgetting. So yeah.)

Right now, it's after one in the morning and I have a long day tomorrow and I'm not tired so I will probably wind up watching Markiplier videos and listening to music until around two and then trying in vain to sleep. Just so we're all clear on the plan.

I hope everyone's year has been going at least decently so far. If it has, that's wonderful and I hope it continues and if it hasn't, well, nothing lasts forever and things will improve soon. They always do.

Bye for now, everyone. Bye for now~