
Updates and noisy neighbours.

First and foremost - Camp NaNo and a few small presses that might be a good home for the finished piece.

Camp NaNoWriMo starts on Friday. Currently vomiting rainbows over this but nervous as well. I'll actually be trying to keep myself on track this time since I'm planning on making this at least somewhat marketable. (Not the kind of marketable that I hate - where you can't even recognise it from the original idea but the kind of marketable that lets me make a living on the things I love.)

Secondly, the place next door to us used to be a drug den. I am not happy about this. It's not horribly dangerous here or anything but I would um... like to move. I can occasionally hear someone yelling things like 'Shut the [expletive deleted] up!' at, like, 11 at night. That said, until I can get this writing thing figured out, if you could go here and look around, those are crochet food and duct tape things that I kind of want to sell. If you're interested or know someone who might be, please pass it along or email me. Since the shop isn't set up yet, prices are still negotiable.

(I think the doughnuts and simple cupcakes make awesome pincushions and the cakes are really huggable ^^)

I want to get back to making things and writing things like I used to. I could be really dangerous if I could just get back there.

But, I'll figure it out. The depression doesn't exactly help that but it's all something that can be worked around. Just a matter of grit and grim determination.

I will return soon. When you least expect me. And then I shall tell you a tale. You will take this tale and keep it. You will analyse its many meanings and arrive at a conclusion. Then I shall return. And inform you of just how wrong you are.


[Seriously, if you can/want to buy something crafty from me, please do. Every little bit helps.]


I'm Not Dead

I'm just deep in the planning stages of Camp NaNoWriMo. And collecting tumblr followers because of it (Seriously, I'm up to 31 now).

That's basically what my life has been about for the last few days - that and travel and crafts and music and the general feeling of 'I will never be normal and I'm fine with that' that my life is usually comprised of.

Quick update is quick but I should have more to say once Camp NaNoWriMo starts. Most of it will likely be spazzing/complaining but hey, at least I'll have something to do. (Sadly, I get bored very easily. A large portion of my life has been spent trying to remedy this.)



That awkward moment when your 'People with your personality-type' list contains both Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs) and Professor Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes' nemesis). Of course it also contains Cassius (Julius Caesar), Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice), Gandalf the Grey (J. R. R. Tolkein's Middle Earth books), Ensign Ro (Star Trek--the Next Generation), Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Hamlet), George Smiley, John le Carre's master spy and Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs).

So it could be worse.

On the non-fictional front, there's: Susan B. Anthony, Lance Armstrong, Augustus Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus), Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice), Dan Aykroyd (The Blues Brothers), Katie Couric, Phil Donahue, Michael Dukakis, governor of Mass., 1988 U.S. Dem. pres. candidate, Richard Gere (Pretty Woman), Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor, Hannibal, Carthaginian military leader, Emily Bronte, author of Wuthering Heights, Angela Lansbury (Murder, She Wrote), Peter Jennings, Charles Everett Koop, C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia), Michelle Obama, General Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State, Charles Rangel, US Representative, D-N.Y., Pernell Roberts (Bonanza), Donald Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense, Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, Josephine Tey (Elizabeth Mackintosh), mystery writer (Brat Farrar), and the U.S. Presidents: Chester A. Arthur, Calvin Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, James K. Polk and Woodrow Wilson.

I seem to be in decent, if at times psychotic, company ^^


I finished Paper Towns and I kind of loved it in a way that I can't quite explain. I also figured out that I needed a calendar gadget. Because I am notorious for not getting things done on time. Also that my desktop layout is essential to my productivity. Thankfully, I think I've found one that works.

Aside from that, I've been working for the fast coupe of hours and I'm actually feeling pretty good ^^ I hope you guys are having a good time today and I will be back to spazz at you when Camp NaNoWriMo starts.


Writing and Anime

Because that's about all I've been doing. Actually, editing and anime but whatever.

Here's the basic rundown:

Paper Towns has given me so many ideas and John Green's style is really just easy and fun to read. I just like him, I think.

The new Lupin III series (The Woman Named Fujiko Mine) is kind of awesome. I'd never seen the original Lupin III but I'm pretty much up to speed on the basic character relationships. Also, Oscar. New character for this series, sweet guy, thin as a rail, dark, curly hair, wears high-heeled boots with his uniform and seems to have some gender-identity weirdness and a borderline-psychopathic crush on his commanding officer, Zenigata. In short, most if not all of the things I like. So, that's another unhealthy obsession. *crosses it off the list*

Sometimes, I wonder what a psychiatrist would say about me?

I've been editing. In fact, I've been editing things that aren't mine. Admittedly, I do that all the time, but this time the person knew I was editing it. And it was actually kind of fun.

I have other stuff to do but in between all that, what remains of this month will be spent preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo. Which means the outline I'm working on because I can't sleep should probably be at least some degree of finished. And the outline for August. I'm just planning stuff all over the place, aren't I?

That August session is gonna suck though, because the story is just so uplifting/depressing that I'm not even sure which one's going to win out. Either way, it's gonna be rough.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, guys. I just haven't felt like saying much.

I'm settling in, at least. We've been taking walks every day around this little patchwork town and that's been fun. Aside from the bumblebees. I mean, they're cute and all, I just don't want them bumbling into me.

... Going back to anime, I'm actually a little emotionally wrecked over episode 6 (seriously, Fujiko, you do not use Oscar's feelings like that. What part of you thinks he's emotionally stable?) so I think I'm just going to curl up and possibly cry and hopefully be able to sleep.

Or I could just stay awake seeing as it's 5 in the freaking morning. *headdesk*


Good day/night everybody. I will try not to disappear on you like that again but, as always, I make no promises. For now, I'm going to roll around on my bed, in physical pain for a fictional character and then after maybe an hour, we'll see how we feel. It's already light here and it's throwing me off...

Bye, guys~ Don't write anything I wouldn't write.



Okay, here it is: Things are slowly getting done and it's freaking me out.

About half the outline on 'The Book' is done (first draft of it, but still) and I'm starting to think about the order in which other projects should be tackled.

I also had veggie Shepard's Pie for dinner and am still kind of shocked by how good it was.

None of that had much of a point but you know what else doesn't have much of a point? The fact that I actually do want to be a writer. I want to do other things too but that's something that I can work on later. Writing is just something I do so I might as well make a living at it, right?


So yeah.

Also, as of this writing (and this will likely change) the first page of my tumblr has about three posts of different commission information from people trying to help out a friend in Poland. If you can commission or donate, please do. Anything helps.

Aside from that and my news, not much has happened here. I used to ramble for a while in these things but I just don't have much to say aside from the fact that I'm annoyed that something so simple is so hard to outline. It's a major plot point too. *headdesk*

But yeah, that's me for right now. I'll probably get as much of the outline down as I can and then maybe rot my brain with anime. That sounds like a good plan right now.

I'll try to check in more often guys. I'm just so lazy...

*hops away*