
Update Time

So my sleep schedule is still a little borked but overall, I've been feeling a lot better. I even wrote something new for 'Outlast: Whistleblower', and it's been a while since I've written anything for my writing blog.

[Tags and comments on said piece include: 'ow fucking ow' 'damn your headcanon for giving me these feels - I didn't sign up for this', 'LAYS THE FUCK DOWN' 'THIS ENTIRE THING IS JUST PAIN TO ME' 'EVERYONE READ THIS', 'This is great, thanks for posting it! 'new headcanon accepted', and of course the flawless comment: 'i feel like my soul just collapsed in o n itself'.]

Aside from that, I've just been hanging out and painting/watching people paint my room. The fumes are giving me a headache but it's not that bad. I've got the window cracked and a fan running and that's helping.

Also... have you ever heard The Kimberly Story? The audio isn't that great but it was told by a teacher to his students and... A) it gives me a lot of ideas because, hey, writer and B) it's just kinda freaking creepy.

It's stupidly early and... yeah, I'm awake for some dumbass reason, and causing a lot of shared emotional pain over fictional people in the Skype group. So, yeah, pretty good day so far.

I think I'm gonna lie back down pretty soon and just rest for a while. I've been very tired lately since I'm not used to doing so much physical work.