
Insomnia Game Too Strong

This is not good for me. This sleep schedule is not good for my blood pressure.

This, however, makes me feel slightly better about me:

We all had a selfie party. This was the reaction the link to mine got (it was the tumblr page, so it started with the ones in the mask but still). We're a fab fandom; everyone in it (read: everyone playing a lunatic) is cute.

So far I've gotten a little math done, written a bit, talked to amazing people, and then my internet died (somewhere around 2:30 - and I was in a conversation at the time so yeah, annoying) but it usually does that around this time of night so I'm just waiting for it to come back up now. Listening to music, reading for accounting since I have a test on Friday.

I could probably go rest the modem but I know nothing about it so... yeah.

Back up at about 3:20, down again at 3:32, back up at somewhere around 4:30. It does that pretty much every night for some reason.

Also, this came up in conversation with another Trager blogger:

"I see how yours is written so canon and beautifully while mine's just…not that and possibly never will be. So I'd get knots in my stomach when I'd see your responses sometimes [...] [b]ecause I was painfully intimidated by you."

So that was amazing and yet another pop tab in the 'You're Not A Terrible Writer' jar. (Although I do have far too many things saved in draft that I need to reply to. Also, ghostwriting. Ghostwriting first.)

It is just now 5:00 in the morning and I... wow... why? Why do I do this to myself? I wondered earlier if it was a kind of self-punishment for something I felt like I'd done and the problem with that is that's kind of a too-plausible an explanation. I mean, it would make sense. A lot of things are changing (slowly, but still changing) and that's bound to cause some temporary issues.

Anyway. It's early and I need to sleep for at least a few hours. This up all night thing was fun for a while but it's getting annoying now so I'm really going to try to straighten my schedule around to more 'normal' hours.

Wish me luck on that, if you're so inclined, and I will see you all again soon.