
It's Actually a Reasonable Hour.

And this happened. 

And then we got into an RP and I started a new ship. I feel so accomplished. [EDIT: A wonderful friend of mine mADE A FREAKING FAN MIX] Also, I actually did get the third chapter done. That took me WAY too long to do and I know that, I'm just... having a lot of issues that I'm not sure how to express. They seem to be evening out a little though, so... something to be thankful for.

I have so many ideas for things to write now and just... *muffled scream*

It's after ten and I have a Kindle and a second monitor now so that's pretty awesome. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer physical books - it's just that they're not as easy to carry around. The extra monitor was because I am a geek and tend to research while I write (or possibly watch YouTube videos).

Anyway... I'm going to check my schedule and probably try to work a little. I have things to get done and in order before DashCon so... yeah.

Until later, everyone~