
My Family is Amazing People

"I tried to make a crochet snowflake or two for my mum. The one I have is kind of a mess and I sort of want to cry." - A tweet I never sent because it was five in the morning and, to be fair, that's really sad.

But Christmas was really... really good this year. Nothing big and full of lights and utterly amazing in that made-for-TV movie kind of way happened but it was a wonderful day. My family is amazing. Full stop. My mum and my grandparents got together and gifted me the money I needed to buy my ISBNs which means all I need to do to be able to start my company is all of the nit-picky, pain-in-the-ass stuff (and the writing. Writing is a good thing, though).

I also got this message from a dear, dear friend of mine:

Aww sweetheart! *hugs tightly* Wait I'm your best friend O//O oh gosh, I don't think I've ever been anyone's best friend before. You're just so...sweet and caring and you're just so kind to everyone and you're so tough I just really think you're awesome. Seriously though, after meeting you you automatically became my hero and someone I looked up to.

So, that's something to be insanely thankful for.

Really, 2013 was kind of a crap-shoot overall but there were good moments and a weird year typically means that the next little while is going to be full of a bunch of stuff that will actually advance the plot. So. I'm going to relax for the rest of the year and make sure my lists are all updated and all that and then at midnight, I'm going to reset my progress meters and jump in again with the writing.

I'm actually cautiously optimistic about this next year, you know? I have no idea why but I'm not going to argue with it.

I hope 2014 is a great year for all of you and I will see you all soon~


Here are some words.

2013 is almost over.

Not much has really gone on but here are some highlights:

- I met a really wonderful friend - kind of a partner-in-crime. And then I met several more amazing people.
- I fell into the Night Vale fandom (got sort of scared off by all the in-fighting but then realised that I really like the show and screw everyone else)
- I jumped into the Outlast fandom (as a psycho doctor and a scared reporter) and met some of the sweetest people there
- I can see 20/20 without my glasses now (surgery, surgery~)
- I survived three quarters in college and my lowest grade for a class that whole time was a B
- And a whole bunch of other awesome things, I'm sure.

And now here is a list of things:

emotions you don’t understand upon viewing a sunset
lost pets found
lost pets unfound
a secret lost pet city on the moon.
Trees that see. 
Restaurants that hear. 
A void that thinks. 
A face half-seen just before falling asleep. 
Trembling hands reaching for desperately needed items.
Silence when there should be noise. 
Noise when there should be silence. 
Nothing when you want something. 
Something, when you thought there was nothing. 
Clear plastic binder sheets. 
Scented dryer sheets. 
Rain coming down in sheets. 

[That was all actually ripped off from Night Vale Episode 2 - 'The Glow Cloud' but I love it so... here.]

But yeah, I'm not dead, I'm just very tired. Life has been pretty stressful lately. I had two surgeries a week apart and that tends to take a lot out of you, even if they're only minor.

I'll probably be back before the end of the year to check in and really wrap up and all that but just in case I'm not: Merry Christmas (or whatever you celebrate/if you celebrate) and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year~


Apparently, I'm a lizard.

This resulted from a Skype conversation. And I feel it is sufficient proof that I should not be allowed on Skype. #LizardProblems


So, DashCon

These two right here, Dee Laytner and Diana Spacey

are on my cosplay list for DashCon. Dee's going to be fun and his outfit is decently easy. It's just the hair I'm probably going to have to fight with a little.

Diana is a little more complicated:

She's so fab, though~ <3

Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale is also on my list but no one knows what the man looks like so I kind of have free reign there. I also need an outfit for a formal dance (DashProm) and for a rave. I also have a friendship basket to do, the list for which is back in this blog somewhere (I know I posted it).

And now for something completely different.

Section Two: Writing

As in, I can get back to writing because this quarter is essentially over. Also, this happened:

Friend One: I think we all agree you're like.. one of our favorite writers ever. YOU WERE LIKE. MY WRITING SENPAI WHEN I FIRST MET YOU... I was so intimidated to talk to you xD cause you were so good
Me: ASDFGHJKL; What, really? People tell me this... but then I'm a geek and they stop being so intimidated (which is very good because I'm about as intimidating as a pink butterfly stuck to a marshmallow).
Friend One: yeah LOLL I felt so .. inferior compared to your writing. xD But I was so hoping to rp with you like oh god
Friend Two: same

So, yeah. that was kind of a pick-me-up.

And that's about all that's been happening right now.

Oh, wait, there was something else:

Section Four: NaNoWriMo

As in, 'I'm working as a free agent now, Scott. Can't abide by the larger wolf's laws so it only makes sense to leave the pack.'
I'm not doing NaNo officially anymore, is what that means. The OLL has just gotten... I don't really know if I can explain it - I just feel like they've gotten too far from the roots of the project and I don't really want to be a part of it anymore. I'll be over at WriYe, keeping track of things that way.

But ignoring all that, it's been pretty quiet. I think I'll spend some time before the first of the year going through the manga and picking an outfit for Dee and Diana and then I can jump into searching for things after the first.

I'm rambling. Stuff if going on. I have books to write and a company to build and a friend to meet in 2014 and wow, life. This was an awful post but I got my basic points across and I'm not going to go back and try to fix it now because my laptop battery is almost dead SO... yeah. I'll be back with a little more cohesion pretty soon to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all that but for now, enjoy my rambling.

*waves* *crawls under a fuzzy blanket*



It's Monday night and the rest of this week is going to be one long day.

Let me walk you through:

- School (Intro to World Languages, Law and Society, and Psych)
- Then over to a town about an hour's drive away for surgery (they get to burn a tiny hole in my eye with a laser)
- Come back, eat, and study for Algebra midterm.

- School (World Languages, Law and Society, hour break, Algebra Midterm, Written Final in CPR)
- Study for Algebra Final

- School (Same as Tuesday, with Algebra Final after Psych)
- There will also be a final in Law and a final in World Languages on that day. Joy.

Then there's the Psych test and the CPR Practical on the 9th.

Oh, and my first actual, corrective surgery is on the 11th.

Plus, I have things I want to write. I have way too many half-finished books and fan-fics.

So this is just going to be a long first half of the month. But that's what's been going on. I promise I will get back to my RP blogs and my fan-fic blog soon - I just want to get through the rest of this quarter alive.